It is because of answers like this Jason is at the top of my list of favorite Jalopnik writers.
It is because of answers like this Jason is at the top of my list of favorite Jalopnik writers.
I love the Starlet. I wish Toyota has but more R&D into the suspension and engine to make it more like the VW Golf.
I look forward to more shows. But I don’t lean on old TG/new GT as much as I once did. In the past two years I’ve discovered Drive, Big Muscle, Road Kill and Dirt Every Day. All of those tend to scratch my vehicle show itch.
That should be pointed out as an issue with these cars—if you want to go soft or topless, you’re going to have to find a place for that somewhat unwieldy 90-pounds of metal and glass.
In the post war years having a rolling Swiss Army knife would have been handy. These were available in the days before the smaller earth movers we now take for granted.
With the Hellcat you get two keys. One makes it operate with 500 ponies. The other with all 707. Does Porsche do the same? If not why not?
WTF would I want to drop $100,ooo+ for a really special car only to make it look like crap by making it the color of a tennis ball?
I’m not a fan of cars that poop other cars. CP.
I like the Columbo eye thing you gave her. Okay, now to read the article.
Manifest destiny by neglecting maintenance until something goes so wrong it makes more sense to trade it than to do the repair.
I remember seeing more of these on the side of the road as a kid. I think that the Miata has taken their place in the wild. Something about being reliable lead to that, maybe?
When I was a Cub Scout we had a pack leader that had one. It was partially disassembed. He liked to cuss and had a short temper. The end.
THIS to me is racing. If someone brings back a racing series using replicas of these cars and puts one of the events at a track near me I’ll eat all my veggies! I promise!
Hard to keep in tune? Check! Underpowered for what it is? Check! Lucas electricals? Check! Prohibitably expensive to repair and maintain? Check!
For what that is it looks good.
Agreed. It’s the same color as dried yellow mustard.
British and Swedish cars too.
When I fart I blame the dog. Same thing?