It’s so weird how can you no like it?
It’s so weird how can you no like it?
I took mine off. They’re stupid.
The first time I saw this was on a Yugo, so I thought it was hilarious. Now I think it is problematic because: 1) It makes the wheel hot so you have to be careful when removing it from the engine to swap out a flat tire.. 2) I can’t help but believe that the tire suffers structurally from being roasted over the…
I’m sure he’ll throw a manager or two under a EV bus prototype and then return to watching reruns of The Jetsons.
From this point on I will assume that if you make a diesel you are guilty of something. That seems to be the safest way to keep me from being shocked by such reports.
Agreed. Even the *skis shouldn’t be attached there!* thing it has going on is bewitching.
1) That is a great story.
Being Los Angeles I’m sure most people walk around looking like their about to have head shots taken. *
I would sooner lick Donald Trump’s scrotum than pay even $500 for this rolling turd.*
I understand what you are saying. This idea of sugar trashing a engine goes back to the days of WW2 and resistance fighters trying to use such methods of sabotage against German vehicles, most of which I assume were not fuel injected.
You are my internet hero for the day. Thanks for the laugh.
1) You need sunshine, fresh air and a colonic.
The sight of those sparks flying gave my scalp goosebumps.
I agree. I’d rather cruise with friends and their cars. Planning something informal and keeping it low key, and much lower buck, sounds better.
I was not consulted.
If I had to own a Corvette it would be a 94-96. This one looks good but there are somethings about it that are off putting. I would say if you really want a Corvette of this vintage you should spend about $2,000 more for a better over all example. I know it’s hard to say no when you see a bargain basement price on one…
Rockford: “What did I tell you about trying to pull *my* signature move?”
If that sub had been secured none of this would have happened.*
Orlove posted a video of someone Orlove-ing. Many ha-ha’s. Very meta.
I like this idea. Maybe one will find its way onto The Nurbergring resulting in some entertaining video.