
We’re only three episodes in! The lastest Conversation Street was much better than the first. I think even going into the first at least Hammond knew (body language) it was going to be a stinker but marched ahead regardless.

Seeing them pass the torch to another solid trio would be a nice way to go out. Seeing Jeremy’s daughter, Emma, follow in her dad’s footsteps for a bit could be fun. She is a talented writer and suffers no fools. I wager she’d be compitent behind the wheel.

Warning: Brutally Honest Opinion Ahead!


In your shoes I would buy the Wagoneer, sell the other Jeeps with the exception of the CJ-2A. I know you have a disease but your attention and finances are stretched too thin. Get the Wagoneer!

It a shame no one knows how to drive on the ice up there. It’s also too bad they don’t equipment to deal withthis sort of thing.

It’s pretty but the SUV & CUV mafias will kill this as soon as the tires touch our shores.

NOT Nickleback.

Well done! I was just thinking it’s like a fusion of this and Hammond’s idea from the same episode.

The next time you want to give one away send me a message.

You can ban them all you want but you’ll never take away my dream of owning a MB 300SD. NEVER! NEVER!!! *runs away, slams door, muffled crying*

I hear their mensis attract bears and sharks. I don’t want bears or sharks attacking my car if my wife runs out to the movies.*

Yes, having *Eff You* money like that would be nice but my career path does not lend itself to that kind of expendature. I have *Meh* money.

Tom, that’s good argument against the plane. It’s nice to be able to rent something and give it back. That goes not only goes for planes but boats, exotic cars and vacation homes.

This is what happens when your car is not kitted out by Q.


There’s a mother-in-law joke that can be made of this, I just know it.

Personally $1,600,000 is not worth it. Multiply that by ten then the risk/reward needed starts to move.

You need to set a Go Fund Me account to collect donations from appreciative readers. That was $10 worth of funny.

Do I love this idea? Yes! Would I buy this? Hell no!