
There goes my human trafficing scheme.

“Hell, I always wanted to be a gastronomer.”

I’m taken aback by how good this looks.

I like the choice and it makes total sense as to why you drew your conclusion, which is weird because your Doug DeMuro, King of Non Sequiturs. In the future I’ll keep suggesting the Fiat 126p becuase I think you’d be able to get some good laughs out of it.

I’ll just leave this here.

It will be interesting to see how it holds up to a big typhoon or two.

That’s awful. I don’t have audio on my present computer but my mind put a Sting song in for the soundtrack.

Thanks for reporting on this car. I wish it had been produced.

I like it. I hope they make it happen. I used to me all *meh* about minivans/micro buses but since our family has one now I appreciate the heck out of them.

I only can aspire to that level of angry derp.

I was just kidding. The truth is I was rushed and I am not by nature a strong speller. So: Haste + fingers doing their own thing = Stupid error.

I did it just to make you mad. And BTW: Spell check is for the week.

This is what happens when you put a mellenial in charge.*

Why not just switch to carbon fiber? The clientele should be able to absorb the extra cost.

Give me a Mystery Incorporated Package or there will be no deal.

Thanks, Steve. I think this is important to read.

I almost expected puppets like in Team America to get out and start digging the truck out with the tiny shovels.

Don’t these have a reputation for from frames rusting through? Or is that a different model?

I read that in the voice of Sir. Richard Attenborough.

A friend of mine had one in high school. At the time it was only a two or three years old but it was constantly in the shop. That may explain why I have not seen many over the past decade or more.