
D@mn. I was hoping they would prove to be a benchmark for a new age of automobiles. But I should have known better. After all their paint quality is on par with what you would find on a Ford Fusion. When you pay THAT much for a car you want it to look amazing, not just protected from the elements with mid grade DuPont

Agreed. They do lend themselves to blending in AND gaining access unquestioned to a number of areas. White full size pick ups are also good at being unvisible. Just keep a clipboard in your hand as you leave the vehicle and you become invisable too.

This is why I’m such a fan of Boxsters in general. They are bargains! Give me a early S variant and I’ll happily mid-life crisis it for years.

Considering where this was shot a Toyota Hilux would not be out of place.

I’m not keen on the truck but I love GSDs.

Having the ability to swap batteries in less than a minute is outstanding.

When she bought this she thought it was simply the best, better than all the rest.

I bet this brand name is fairly close to what was said inside the car.

I think you just earned some major points with your wife.

This is where my suggestion for the Mercedes-Benz W123 TD is supposed to be.

Give me a boxster derived Beetle and all will be forgiven.

I think is fair to say the F150 driving was already pissed off and looking for an outlet. And as a general rule (sorry if I step on toes with this) I regard drivers of full size pick ups to be brutish and emotional. Behavior like this is expected by be because they get their egos bruised when you fail to yield to

Excellent write up and excellent choice. This is, IMHO, the best Connory Bond film. I still want a knife shoe. Darn you, Rosa Klebb!

How can you not love this scene?

Due to physics (weight distribution) and the general grossness of the interior a have to vote CP. If this had been made into a mid/rear engine car then I may have had a different opinion.

Good for you! This is great!

Mercedes-Benz W123 with the diesel: It will last forever, it’s 100% mechanical and you can run it on a variety of combustable substances.


I do follow you on Twitter but managed to miss this misadventure. The feed: It’s too much at times.

1st Gear: That’s Almost All The Gasoline Cars