
I agree. They dropped the ball by not bringing this out. Strech it out a bit, add a 1/2 door like on the Honda Element and it could have taken sales away from Toyota’s FJ.

I’m not loving these lights or opening into the quater panel.

I Googled it. The horror.

2nd Gear: Volkswagen To “Reinvent” Itself As A Maker Of “Smartphones On Wheels”

Wow. Even though I am not the market for this diminutive hell beast I still appreciate this car and what Ford has done with it.

A tire is designed to bear weight and resist the twisting mosting caused by the motion of a vehicle. Tires are not meant to slowly simmer in a hot engine compartment as hoses and belts are designed to.

Agreed. My other concern was the heat from the engine rotting the tire prematurely.

You are either Canadian or a troll, eh?

Great. Now I’m going to enter that into WebMD and convince myself I have one.

I must admit that this is old school auto show cool. Now give it a atomic engine and a bubble top!

California and New York may have different laws.

Not to mention it is ugly, ugly, UGLY!

Calling a Meyers Manx a fiasco is going too far!

*Rough Sex Red* is how an old roomie would have described it.

Be nice. I already accidentally hurt consistantly inconsistent’s feelings by accident.

There, I fixed yours in return. Now we can be friends. :)

As a 40+ year old car enthusiast I can appreciate and echo your sentiments. I like to watch Fast & Loud, with the sound off or turned way down. The inane chatter takes away from what I am intereted in: The car. And how much of a insurance rider must they carry on that show? Watching mechanics do back flips off of

Okay then.

My first car was stolen from the curb in front of my house when I was 17. It was just a low dollar hooptie yet it hurt so much. I feel for Mr. Chadwick. I hope all is returned to him very soon.

Only a true villian would drive this generation of 7 series.