Is having your 22 year old Geo Metro taken away really a penalty? Let us ponder.
4. The Chiron will be the first car to offer a ‘living glove box’ — a specially bred marsupial that has a pouch that can hold up to 4 lbs. of your manuals, spare bulbs, unpaid parking tickets, etc.
NP. if it is as it’s claimed this would be a *so ugly it’s cute* toy to piss off the neighbors on the weekend.
I enjoy watching this as much as others do NASCAR. BTW: I don’t care for NASCAR, at all. You would think the two should go hand in hand.
Some of don’t have the luxury of time.
I learned long ago if you are going to do it on the cheap buy a used one and have it swapped. Yes, there is some risk involved.
Agreed. To me this is more what I expected the new GT40 to look like. But I really like it regardless.
Wow. You need to go for a walk and come back to this. What they have done here is not a travesty, it’s fun. I admit if I were in the market for a new DB9 I would not aim for this, but there are plenty of Bond nerds out there to soak them up. They’ll be parked in their garages next to the BTTF tribute Deloreans, Bandit…
I’ve never been behind the wheel of one but I have appreciated them since I was a teen. I suppose the GT86 is the closest thing we have to it today. It’s too bad because a inline six makes the most wonderful noise.
Jilly makes some sense to me.
Answer: The one that will see the most time at your mechanic, be most expensive one to repair.
Thanks for making us aware of this rally. I’ve thought about doing something like this. It’s nice to know it’s out there.
And where was the 900k mile LS400 on this outing? Talk about a way to rack up the miles.
The HHR we had as a rental for a week will forever be remebered as a hateful monstrosity of a car.