Richard Northwood

So Brady gets four extra weeks of rest this summer? If the Pats manage to go 2-2 or even 1-3 during this stretch, it could work out REALLY well for them come playoff time.

All these years later and mIRC STILL won't die...

How much room is there up front? I'm seriously considering one of these things as my next vehicle, but I'm a giant.

This car isn’t being used properly. He’s wasting tires and driving really slowly. FAIL

I feel like I’m looking at the last great one of a generation. Like, I’m in awe and incredibly sad. What a perfect machine. Its very modern. its not the fastest straight, on a track. Its roof isn’t terribly high tech. Its kind of split between many purposes, master of none.

Any weight loss advice that doesn't begin with 'consume fewer calories than you burn' is absolute nonsense. In fact, stop using the word diet altogether as it has such a negative connotation. Try 'Meal Plan' instead. If you want to lose fat, consume slightly less than you burn off, every day. Don't eliminate that

I'm pretty sure its spelt Rincoln.

Since when could ANY Ferrari manage the heat its engine puts out? There are more pictures of burning Ferrari's on the internet than Cats.

They'll be announcing a program where you can swap your Model S for a VW Jetta TDI and a beard trimming kit.

Would it have killed you to put NSFW in the title? Now I have to make out a req form for a new keyboard and explain why I was looking at and reading about pure sex on the clock.

I REALLY want to see this tournament one day.

What about this Tell-All that Scott Stevens poetically penned years ago? Is he suing for that as well?

Your list is incorrect. Ron Swanson is both #1 and #2

Put me down for the M6 Gran Coupe as well but god damned that Fisker is something else in person:

Allow me to rant a minute. This whole situation has become very important to me and I'm very upset by it all.

The difference was that you still felt a little bit like the Gallardo was trying to kill you when you drove it.

I'm so tired of these uninformed fitness guru's. I don't care how much time you spend in the gym, you can't escape the simple truth of anatomy. There is only one abdominal wall of muscle, no six packs, eight packs, or the thousand this guy claims to have. There is one wall of muscle and the lay of the tendons

Does anyone else find it odd that this car is almost certainly going to be superior to the new Huracan? The Lambo was a flawed release. This car already seems like more of a driver oriented car. And the Lambo doesn't even have that scare the shit out of you quality they were always famous for.

get a room you two

Yup + 1