Richard Katten Jansson

100 Mbit both ways for $35 (Swedish tax included) no bandwidth limits, pure LAN/T1(0), no modems - cable goes straight into the wall socket. Welcome to Sweden.

So THAT'S why I felt so weird when finally picking up Saints Row: The Third. I seriously though they were going for a semi-serious game with some humour and crazy outfits. I guess I don't have to feel bad about spawning a tank on the second mission and just blowing everything up.

Thanks for reminding me! I remember when this guy was just getting stared, oh my fudge I was excited!

Unless you want to collect rainwater.

The shit Microsoft wanted to dump on gamers has nothing to do with wanting to stick to the same thing.

Unfortunately Eisenbeis likes this sort of borderline pedophile anime. Which is a shame considering he's allowed to post on Kotaku, an otherwise serious and respectable website.

Design +5
Safety -100

Comments like these are just destructive. Fan art is an amazing medium for artists to do what they love to do while depicting the things they love.

QFT. My thoughts exactly. This article was just silly.

I think Bioshock did a pretty good job of dealing with journals/recordings as they mostly add to the story surrounding the main story. Personally I really don't mind sitting down for a quick read of a journal here and there. The Last of Us had very short journal entries that added some realism to the game.

No one is forcing you to do anything and there is nothing wrong with the system in place.


Or it might have started somewhere around the time when PF told everyone to suck his dick.

I wonder if you would have been able to finish this game? Still waiting for a patch for New Vegas to get out of the camp just before Hover Dam.

Aye, they do but the corruption is too rampant for them to be enforced and organizing workers is still illegal.

I never once mentioned 'murica. I don't use that terrible experiment of a country as a basis for anything other than a warning to the rest of the western world what will happen when you let companies lobby their way past all laws and regulations.

I never claimed the working condition wasn't as poor.
I never claimed China was a communist country.
I never claimed these things never happen.

Pick your battles, sir. Because you're drawing sword against your ally.

The end result is still the same, whether or not they enforced the policy for the workers or so that they can keep a watchful eye on the industry and make sure that they feel like they have control by dictating what happens where.

I never commented on it not being restrictive. All I did was state the truth about the matter that if they're forced to have the factories in a major city they have to adjust the wages. It's not a geographical issue but an economical. For us to sit on our asses and discuss whether or not it's a good business action or

Like with almost everything else the first and biggest impact will set the standard.