Richard Katten Jansson

"There are problems, however, with the requirement to manufacture in Shanghai."

You appear to me even more lost in your own ego than last time. Please remain seated as you'll be taken for a ride when you wake up.

As a former computer technician I can tell you two things about brands. 1) The customers who have bothered checking what brands they're using care A LOT, whether they know anything about them or not. 2) The customers who have no idea what brands they're using care little to nothing about what brands they get.

Ego much? No one cares how many anime series you've watched or that you comment on all sorts of anime forums. If you don't have anything constructive to add, just keep your opinion to yourself.

The biggest issue with American animation is that the government (and schools) keep trying to promote American animation with American values and American content.

I don't know what the laws are in the rest of the world but Sweden kinda solved this problem by making it legal to smash the windows of a parked car with an animal (or a baby/child) trapped inside.

And what is the real name of the series so we can actually go look for it?

I have no idea what this new design is called but it's beyond amazing! I must admit I was a bit of a cry baby when Kotaku changed their design from the regular scroll-down-to-find-older-articles to that... ehm... yeah the "new" design.

Uncharted 2 and 3 were amazing games and they were released with a big enough time gap that they felt new and exciting to go back to.

Dear random person with his nose up M$ asshole,

"Futurists" using 1984 as an instruction manual. No thanks.

It won absolutely nothing. It's just back at square one rather than being a thousand steps behind.

I bought 10 of those for $1 each.

You won't be disappointed!

Being "fine" and being 10 times better is not the same thing.

"Østlandet (bokmål) eller Austlandet (nynorsk), är en av de fem informella landsdelarna i Norge."

And the outrageously humongous multi-million-dollar bonuses that the executives gets each year has nothing to do with it? You could develop 3 AAA-titels on that bonus and give them away for free. This is just typical liberal bullshit. Stop blaming the consumer for everything. Corporations are messing up the

EU version of that Battlefield 3 sale was a bit of a let down. £15 ($22) for standard edition...

In capitalist countries like USA, marriage is a sign of good morals and an imperative when it comes to attaining "proper" social standing. It is based on the idea that a family man has better morals than a bachelor, since he is responsible for raising and caring for more than himself.

Incoming nightmares