
How confident are you in the assertion that a jump directly to single-payer was feasible? Dems did not have a supermajority in Senate by my recollection they had 59 including the 2 Independents.

On a timeline that ends at an unspecified date with real single-payer, are we now closer to the endpoint than we were in

100 people were asked to describe this goal, top 7 answers on the board.

He is a self professed “Number Guys” and I wouldn’t let him attempt to balance my checkbook...which I no longer use because it’s not 1978.

Yes, yes it is the correct answer.

CA District 51 Darrell Issa-R

Share this one million times. For every person who believed the “drain the swamp” bullshit. Here’s why he wanted to be President. To make other smarter richer, more successful business leaders laugh and tell stories about how much they love Donald Trump.

What? The dividends are split (85/15) between her and the Federal Gov’t, the state may take a chunk too, I forget where she lives. But that 15% goes into...whatever the Federal Gov’t is spending money on, hopefully not a fuck-all useless wall but I digress.

You can talk about the velocity of the money and portion of it that does the most “work” in the economy. Relatively speaking, dividends have less velocity than re-investment. Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely a time and a place for a firm to pay dividends, for individual investors to choose to buy into cash

This is good. Yes, the threat “I’ll stop running a business if you tax me,” is as hollow a bluff as you’ll ever see. Please, go right ahead and stop, there are millions of people behind you with a better idea ready to step in and start a business filling the vacuum you’ve vacated.

Your argument is undermined by not understanding how banking works or why “physical capital” doesn’t mean what you think it does. Please don’t yell “YES I DO UNDERSTAND” because you don’t. It’s a fixable problem and you are clearly smart enough to learn.

The masterminds behind the Bowling Green Massacre.

Does anyone have a bunch of packages of original recipe Oreos, the ones with all the trans-fats? Start mailing this rat fucker a package a day and see if we can’t make his heart stop.

I’m in good health, I have a good job and I am in a happy stable relationship. I always paid attention to politics but always politely avoided bringing it into my personal life. I would have carried on as usual if Clinton won. Everything is different now and I’m already at the point where calling my Senators and Rep

Steve Bannon looks like he knows the text of “Megan’s Law” in Klingon.

Steve Bannon looks like a 1st Edition of Mein Kampf grew a goiter.

Attended live and can say I mostly concur with your assessment. What we were missing yesterday is that spark in the final third. That killer vision/pass to break down a team that defends diligently. There were passages of good play, plenty of the “rah rah can do hustle” that represents both our calling card and

Hard not to conclude he had the phrase, “Uppity negro” running somewhere through his mind.

Officer fuckface had every chance to do the simple and legally correct thing, rebuke the W/M for obvious assualt, satisfy the B/F by administering a stern warning, asking for an apology from W/M.

They should hire you. His god damned #1 criterion was fuel efficiency and the first response: “DURP GET A BIG TRUCK!!!”

Holy shit how did I forget Carrie Fisher was in “The Burbs”????