
What an adorably hollow threat you’ve made.

I mean, that’s the point they’d like to get to, but currently their marginal revenue is smaller than their marginal cost of sales/service. Perhaps not at the per trip level but when the up front driver incentives are spread out of the avg number of trips and avg total revenue they expect from each new driver it ends

Self-driving, perhaps. But when that stage is reached it won’t be only Uber who can leverage that efficiency. It will likely open up a point of competitive entry, which would drive revenue down generally.

I don’t have any special access to their financials. I’m extrapolating from the numbers presented here. The costs of service delivery (which Uber doesn’t pay directly, they pay indirectly by way of the % of Passenger fares retained by drivers) will simply not improve with scale to a degree that allows raw scale to

No, they are losing $100m/Qtr as well.

It remains to be seen if the fundamental economics are kinks or fatal flaws. Where can they push on the balloon? Raise rates? You’ll lose riders. Cut subsidies? You lose drivers. I’m simplifying and I am certain they have plans for how to figure it out...but plans only get you so far.

“Fuck your feelings” is a bad thing to think, let alone say or write. You’ll be a better human if you eliminate it from your mind.

Small sample warning! I spent several hours on the last Sunday calling Michigan and I got a very high proportion of “My mail-in ballot is already filled out, Straight Blue!” and “We’re so proud to go vote for Hillary, thank you for doing this work.” and only 1 “Fuck you she’s a murdering bitch.”

“They’re still here? I thought they left last year.”

Cool, please don’t come here.

So happy that there is at least one audience who still values reality and civility.

I don’t know, the chances that Bernie was going to win on November 8th took a real hit after he didn’t get nominated. That sounds like pretty bad decision making...unless you live in a universe unbound by the construct of linear time.

You fucking gave them a (terrible) alternative. You re-inforced the false equivalencies. You made it seem like not voting was a perfectly fine alternative by downplaying the consequences because “Hillary is corrupt too.”

Don’t forget all the impressionable folks who heard “They’re both terrible!” from a chorus of morons for 10+ months. So, yeah still and always fuck Jill Stein.

You don’t get mad at the dog who shits on your lawn. You get mad at the dog’s owner. He or she is the one who should know better.

Another personal favorite of mine:


Must be in California, where we charge you for single use bags. I’d wager someplace just north of LA?  It also makes sense as the background for her defensiveness, she knows 60+% of people around her didn’t vote Trump so she is really savoring her moment. This video hits the highlights of Trump’s America.

OK fair enough. You are correct about training to aim for center mass. You are correct that argument from a position of ignorance is never as effective. I overreacted and should have been nicer. I still feel you are placing too much emphasis on what is to me an ancillary point in this situation. But again, I apologize

It really bums me out how many people feel it’s super important to come here and spread knowledge about how “real gunfights” go down.