Breaking: Internet likes bad thoughts of man who commits bad thoughts to print, defends same.
Breaking: Internet likes bad thoughts of man who commits bad thoughts to print, defends same.
It can’t possibly be politically controversial to say that whatever else he may be, he’s a tremendous asshole and I hate him greatly.
I’m having a hard time coming up with a plausible meaning supported by the original syntax. So far, the most likely thing is that he thinks anodynity means the exact opposite of what it actually means.
Well, I’ve played soccer for 25 years including high school, college and competitive amateur. I’ve been watching European club games since the days when you needed a giant satellite dish and they always refer to it as such. I’ve played rec tennis for 20 years. I also looked it up to double check and every site I…
Right, in tennis if you’re at the net and the ball is coming at you rising, that is a volley. But that is because it is coming directly from the opponents stroke. If it hits the ground and you play it as it is rising from the bounce, it’s a half volley. Same in soccer or tennis. This is a volley goal as the ball is…
Disagree with your disagreeal. Volley is when the ball is falling, can be after a bounce. Half-volley is when the ball is ascending following a bounce, before reaching the apex. This is for 100% sure a volley goal.
Nah, the government, can, should and HAS banned this idiocy and it does not receive 1st amendment protections because it is obviously harmful and dangerous to others.
Hi, just another reminder that free speech doesn’t cover causing obvious harm or danger to others.
Oooh, I have been looking for a good deal on a ‘14 or ‘15 CPO 328i. This refresh will possibly bring down the prices on those a bit more than the usual release of the next model year. Good news for me!
People should drink what they please.
As is its fraternal twin, Modelo Especial.
You do know that “hits him in the numbers” is what makes it qualify for a penalty right? As in, he’s facing the boards and gets hit directly from behind. It almost sounds like you think “hitting him in the numbers” renders it a clean hit. It’s the opposite of that.
What is fun with your friends isn’t always fun with strangers. Deliberately losing in a random match is a dick move. Do that with friends and it’s hilarious. EVE Online is a poor example, probably the worst you could pick. That isn’t trolling...that IS THE GAME. The whole point is to win, any way you can think of.…
The hate a player like Wilshere gets is mostly due to the unwarranted acclaim he receives despite his obvious shortcomings. A few very good performances and he's projected raising the next four Jules Rimet trophies. He's a good player, who has some bad habits a guy his age should have already started overcoming. …
Conveying that you are a serious potential buyer is definitely the key. Be sure to extend that to the actual test drive. My example from testing a new 335i last week is I made sure I told the sales person, “I’m going to hit the gas here to test the 40-80 acceleration,” or “I’m going to stop a little short here to test…
Cool, but I'm waiting for a thinkpiece that asks the tough question; what if they weren't more less like them than they already aren't?
Rittenhouse - Dolin - Fee Bros. - Luxardo
One of the first beers I had over there when I was an exchange student. At 16 I wasn't really ready to fully appreciate a Chimay Blue, Orval or Cordendonk. I drank a bit of Leffe but back then it was the Hoegaarden or Jupiler for me. I had full access to any beer, whenever I wanted and therefore didn't abuse that…
I don't know what to tell you. I love soccer. I've played since I was 10 and that's...a big number of years ago. I still play competitive amateur adult, in fact I run the team and I love every minute of it. I play casual indoor a couple times a week. I wake up early to watch the choice EPL games on weekends, I…
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