Jesus Christ guy, what is the point of these ingredients? Skim milk but sour cream too? Plenty of bacon, but egg beaters? It's like buying a Prius but swapping out the hybrid engine for a V8.
Jesus Christ guy, what is the point of these ingredients? Skim milk but sour cream too? Plenty of bacon, but egg beaters? It's like buying a Prius but swapping out the hybrid engine for a V8.
When you get back from the beach, please post the quote that you interpreted as, "people shouldn't be allowed to drive what they want."
I lived in Belgium for a year in a small town. Jupiler is not bad, though it is certainly nothing special by the standards of Belgium. Jupiler and Stella are like the Coors and Budweiser of Belgium. If you walk into a low end bar and say "Give me a beer." without specifying, you'll get kicked the fuck out.
If it is anything like an actual war, yeah you spend most of the time trying to avoid getting in a position where anyone can shoot at you.
Wow, maybe next they'll decide to stop having referees for Champions League games wear those awful shirts they've had this year.
Ummmm, the second part?
I can't see any way around it. That car looks wrong. If "American Psycho" were written today, this car is what they would all be driving. Look at it up close. Look at each little detail...amazing, beautiful, finely crafted, etc. etc.
Alright, looking for the most Canadian sentence that can be written. "Sorry I couldn't deliver your package because there was a bear in your driveway," is a good starting point.
Nick Pizzolato looks like George Coztanza spent 20 minutes in the fountain of youth and 5 days in the fountain of douche.
Because any single overriding objective is ludicrously overrated. There are very obviously "bad" debts that you should avoid. There are certainly plenty of available automotive loans that you could get which fall into the "bad" category, where on the face of it you are getting hosed and should run not walk away. …
Living debt free as a single overriding objective is ludicrously overrated.
Ozil is great starting in the middle and drifting wide. Ramsey is great starting wide and drifting to the middle to finish chances created by...Ozil. Holy shit it is so simple.
Do you have a different routine for the Monday following a loss as opposed to the Monday following a win?
I did not say it creates competition. I said it shifts the focus off of financial competition to sporting competition. I just read the first paper you referred to. As far as I can make out, they limit their analysis to the effect of player wages, with no (at least none that I could find in my first reading)…
It helps all clubs. It removes tons of the risk involved in allowing enormous sums of money to slosh around the system creating imbalances. You do get a somewhat more static system, but in the long run it is far more sustainable and it helps put the focal point of competition back in the sporting element and less in…
Yep, QPR basically got away with it. They pursued a disastrously risky policy and it paid off. You can draw to an inside straight and win, but that doesn't mean it is a sustainable practice. FFP does have the effect of making vertical mobility within the heirarchy a bit more difficult, but that is the price for…
Annde th ffans gho whyylde!!!
I'm going to rent 10 babies and bring them all with me on the next flight you take.
Posited: If he wore long pants he'd have earned more appearances.