It saddens me that Narragansett is not as readily available as PBR in my zip code. It makes me think of eating raw oysters on the beach in Maine.
It saddens me that Narragansett is not as readily available as PBR in my zip code. It makes me think of eating raw oysters on the beach in Maine.
In every group shower in the entire world through every sport, black, white, hispanic, asian, gay, straight, from Junior High to Old Pros leagues...the one constant is dudes check out other dude's dicks. Becuase OF COURSE THEY DO. It's another dude's dick, there's nothing more normal in the world than wondering…
Now I respect my opponent. I think he's a good man but, quite frankly, I agree with everything he just said!
It is FAR FAR easier to build drones than it is to build nuclear weapons. And to do so un great numbers. And not directly risk your own citizen's lives. It's very very scary, because when you do the game theory it is hard to see a way around MAD, but with the "right" play to be the one who shoots first.
If you lived here I'm sure you're familiar with the phenomenon whereby after a significant period without rain, we get a storm and it washes all the accumulated filth and detritus and dog feces (oh the dog feces) down into the ocean and you are STRONGLY advised against going in the ocean because of the contamination? …
Cool, I love Manhattan! Congratulations! Don't come here though, for real.
So true, you're better off in Michigan!!!!!!! Or South Carolina!!!! You'd hate it here, there are people like me here...which is why I hate it here too :-(
Enjoy Ohio or whatever the fuck!
I solve that problem by commuting N-S instead of E-W...though trading the traffic on the 8 for the traffic on the 805 is like trading a sharp stick in the eye for a hammer strike to the gentleman's region.
Ha, I've been to that beach. He's was much more likely a creepy old guy ogling other naked creepy old guys. Which, if that's his thing more power to him. But women nudists at that beach? Not so much...
As a San Diego resident who doesn't give a flying fuck about the NFL all I can really say is this. It's all true, this city sucks. Don't bother coming here, just stay in whatever awesome Midwest town you grew up in. And for god damn sure don't move here from Boston. You won't like it. For real, don't move here. …
Manufacturing devices and being responsible for the networks on which they operate aren't the same. Do you blame Toyota if the roads where you live aren't well maintained?
Oh my god, the fucking HORROR of that possibility. Powerade instead of Gatorade!!!!
Thanks for not capitalizing and for using made up words. It helps me to ignore the overwhelmingly obnoxious and reactionary tack you have taken. You know, because my manbrain can't manderstand concepts that aren't manlogical or mandispassionate and gramanattically mancorrect or manwhatever the manfuck.
I suppose what really matters is whether he is talking about the De Jure consequences of the crime or the emotional impact/experience of the victim. If it's the former, then I'm sorry but he is correct. We differentiate between the severity of crimes in the legal system, based on mitigating or aggravating factors. …
Yeah, that's the theory. It only has to not work once for you to end up dead. Tactically, it makes almost no sense to shoot at a target that you can't at least damage. I understand harassing fire, but you're taking a big risk since counter-battery (so to speak) will be pretty immediate given that the system is…
Yeah, but the fact that it identifies your location and you'll quickly have the Merkava pointing its main gun at you and coordinating other weapons to neutralize you makes that a dicey proposition.
It's actually more of a Rawlsian bent, in that it just happens to be an accident of circumstance that the talents and products of football players are most highly valued in this society...there is not moral basis on which one can claim that they "deserve" it. Labor theory of value underpins it but it isn't the whole…
I want these boneheads who are constantly whining about every player diving to go run a 10k then challenge for the ball get kicked and stay on their feet every time.
What? My point was that the Gerrard mistake was way way way worse, but we still rightly hail Gerrard as an excellent central midfielder. Bradley made a bad mistake, it doesn't make him a bad player. Gerrard made a far worse error, he is still one of the best midfielders of his generation. That was my comparison.