Richard Punch

The Douglas play was a chickenshit, bush league move, and he deserves the fine, and to be tossed for the rest of the season as far as I’m concerned.

That play by Douglas was so dirty that I am on Team Talib for the first time in my life.

If you were Douglas’ knees you would deserve every injury that might be inflicted upon you. That was a chicken shit hit he put on the DB

I REALLY wanted to be pissed at Talib but that previous play was bullshit by Douglas.

Peppers plays both sides of the ball. would like to see any of the other players in the contest try that

This was an especially emotional game for players and students of Army and Navy when you consider most of them are going to be killed in a nuclear war soon.

Stram’s and Madden’s epic Pop-and-Lock battles at each other from across the field have been lost to history.

How dare you assume I have not suggested this in every board meeting?

If he were a good Christian he would have been found alive inside a boulder.

Biggest cunt in football (non-John Terry division).

Ascot guy: “I say old chap, they’re now selling discount free-range escargot. How garish! This is what Trump has wrought upon the proletariat! The scoundrel!”

His Drain the Swamp mantra will be forgotten as soon as the headlines decide to take an “objective” look at how good his picks are.

At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

Yeah, if people are dumb enough to be like LOL LOOK AT YOU DANCING, then fuck’em! Those are the same people that are like LOL LOOK AT THIS DUDE WHO KNOWS HOW TO COOK THAT’S A WOMEN’S JOB. These people are imbeciles.

He wouldn’t have gotten hit if he wasn’t acting like such Awini.

It’s refreshing to find this sentiment here. This is the whole thing.

My shrink at the VA took off Election Day to ferry voters to the polls. Her suggestion to me of what to do to help mitigate my fear, loathing, and nausea at such an astoundingly dumb selection such an incompetent, unaccomplished dickhead (and draft dodger) was to volunteer for an organization that can mitigate the

HAHAHAHHAHA! 10 bucks she was there buying puffy paint.