Richard Punch

Did you know you can ask for light mayo? or NO mayo? It’s true! On the rare occasion that I order JJ’s, that’s what I do, and i manage to taste everything in the sandwich.

We don’t deserve nice things.

Oh please.

Fuck Harry Douglas’ bitch ass. That was some amateur level bullshit.


So you just missed Harry Douglas’ hit on Harris, huh?

Kelce’s pretty much a total cunt though, yeah?

Not sure if this is cool or uncool, honestly. I thought it was pretty uncool at the time, but as I look back now I’m like “damn, that was pretty cool.”

Fortunately, the history of The Game goes back quite a bit further than 16 years.

Amazingly, none of these people are looking at all at the long game.

His facebook profile has increasingly become a very odd repository of conspiracy theories, outright anti-Semitic posts, and just baffling nonsense.

How ‘bout a Fresca? Hmm? HMMMMM?


They voted for a man who has never owned a pair of jeans or worked a job without air conditioning a day in his life because he understands their plight.

Man who doesn’t vote has strong opinion.

Saw someone in one of these threads make the point that “Roe v. Wade will not be repealed in any of our lifetimes.”

I understand your point, but yes, in fact, she did take places like Wisconsin and Michigan for granted. She didn’t campaign there as much as she should have, and sending surrogates isn’t the same thing. It has never been the same thing, and will likely never be the same thing.

The kids are listening to music these days. You could try that?

This is my daily reminder that while doxxing is wrong and bad, doxxing people like this is... tempting. To say the least.