
I don't have anything against world building, but it seems to me (YMMV of course) that that's all Robinson is capable of.


Dan Simmons Hyperion Cantos has a creature called the Shrike which is a metallic time traveling cyborg come to the past to harvest humans for an appalling yet beneficial purpose who could chew up 10 Terminators before lunch. Its a series of novels so no pics yet but there will pry be a film someday...

Relative to the number of works produced, the amount which are actually still making any money at all 90 years after publication is miniscule. Many of the other works fall into a sort of limbo where the current copyright holder is unknown or uncommunicative, so nothing at all (including simply publishing) can be done.

Oh cool. That does soothe my gross out.

Thats kinda gross and way less romantic

The silliness of the movie didn't bother me that much. Jackson's dilemma was that he wanted to bring the story into the world of the LotR films while maintaining the goofy tone and humor of the novel, which is basically a children's bedtime story and not an epic David Lean-type adventure film. Instead of splitting