
Also the story is edited so a Bene Gesserit has a relationship with a sand worm.

So what you’re saying is this Goldberg guy is some kind of rube?

“Weight-washing” (did I coin a phrase?) should be the next cause celebre.

Chewbacca. Before he lost all his clothes to Lando in a game of Sabacc and decided to go naked from then on.

Mr. Mario... we meet again...

I am hoping that before they left, the Obama’s installed in the White House three animatronic ghosts programmed to visit Trump on Christmas Eve.

I’m skipping this version and waiting for the automated version that will just scuttle around the office on its own, avoiding furniture and running away from loud noises.

no doubt the OPA will take care of that:)

Sa sa

Alternate Title.

Cease and Desist
A Star Wars Story

What?!? HAN SOLO got killed?!?

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

Why didn’t Rickon just run in a zigzag pattern? Whether running away from alligators or guys shooting arrows, zigzag pattern works best.

Lord Vader would find you lack of faith...disturbing.

You know what?

“You guys had a perfectly good ninth planet, but you rejected it. Now you're so desperate to replace it, you're making shit up. Fuck you guys." -Pluto-

Hey, don’t you bosh him. He’s awesome.

If that guy was so great, why did he always publish his work hieronymously?

Straight male here. I can provide you with a list of things I’ve stuck up my ass if you like.

As noted below, Heinlein was in the Service, but didn't see combat. However, the other classic "battle suit" novel, "The Forever War," was written by Joe Haldeman, who served as a combat engineer in Vietnam and received a Purple Heart. It's considerably more downbeat.