
I completely agree this is a good idea. The problem with range extender vehicles is using existing engines that are not designed for that purpose. It seems perfectly logical to me that a RE engine would need to be smooth, lightweight, small and run in a limited rev range or better still one speed. That sounds perfect

As this concept is aimed at a certain demographic its quite conceivable that any vehicle failure will result in the certain death of many influential and important people in one single event. Perhaps unprecedented in history. One wonders if Elon himself will be on the first flight.

LDR? pffft. You want a real musician in a real white Mustang?

There is one buyer for which this car is cheap and entirely appropriate and that is Ford themselves. A never again repeated offer to obtain a car for one of their museums for future generations to enjoy and ponder the automotive past.

No Volvo could produce the same level of annoying sounds that U2 can.

It doesn’t matter how good any of the rebooted Top Gear franchises are, one simple fact will always remain. The original team will always be the best and the most entertaining.

I love everything about Tesla but they cannot afford to treat the market in this fashion. The combined might of every cashed up automaker who has their sights set on alternatively powered cars will crush a lagging Tesla in a moments notice.

Speaking as an ex car detailing business owner with an estimated 5000 details I can assure anyone that no detail shop would use the suggested method.

I don’t get it. Why would you give your father a gift that would remind him of the moment his Porsche engine self destructed ?

Who cares, we don’t have mooses in Australia.

Having spent some time in the automotive dismantling industry I can offer the opinion that this vehicle will have very few useable parts. Its my observation that major crashes seem to send a shockwave right through the entire chassis damaging components that might seem otherwise ok. For example a car that has had a

Fuck the haters and the joyless. I saw your intention and thought it exceptionally well done. Thank you.

One thing we can be certain of, in these uncertain times, is the obvious anti Trump position on Jalopnik. Not a day goes by without some story about Trump written in a clearly biased fashion. Sure, many media outlets have a political bias but rarely is it so obvious.

I live in a regional city of 100K and I would never think to do that. I brought my house five years ago and have lost the front door key because I never felt the reason to lock the front door. Never lock my car etc

Are there any Trump supporters who actually drive Germans cars? I am not from the US but I get the impression they all drive trucks and maybe the odd horse and cart.

The truck driver had a really close shave with that blade.

I’ll just leave this right here

Sounds like the car is owned by an older relative like a crazy uncle who still dreams of cruising Route 66 with the top down but in reality is confined to a wheelchair. The “seller” has has finally talked the owner into selling it but the old bloke won’t let go of his dream so wants a ridiculous price for it.

“daily” lol

The only contemporary blown straight six is the Australian Falcon 4.0 Barra. Capable of insane horsepower with minimal tweaks and more reliable than tomorrows sunrise its a genuine tragedy for speed freaks worldwide that Ford couldn’t find a home for this incredible engine.