
Did you just say that the P1 and 918 have a flywheel? That’s what you implied in your explanation of KERS and how it relates to those cars. That’s just wrong.

Having nearly spun my GT4 at Sonoma looking straight at the Turn 10 walls at 105mph... I can’t imagine how scary this would be. Except the clubsport is fully caged and my GT4 wasn’t. People commenting that this is not that bad have not spun a car or nearly lost it above 100mph. Shit is scary in a

Try doing that at Sonoma Raceway with walls all over and no runoff. Fun as hell, but there’s a fine line between fun and HOLY SHIT

It used to be that you had to include the where, what, when, why and how to each news article. I guess that goes out the window with Jalopnik sometimes. I’m glad there’s no major accident or loss of life or limb, but it would be nice to know where this happened.

Roof scoop all the things

Hmmm... its beautiful.. but good lord the options on this car. But I guess if you have a scrooge mcduck style money bin, you should go crazy like that person did. Mine turned out like this:

You can actually get any of these colors on other cars as well. I got my car in Mexico Blue and it’s not from the VW fam

Completely agree. IN the long run, the manual steering coupe’s will be the ones to own.

So I take it the average person who doesn’t have the buckets to buy this car will be able to drive it better than all these rich guys? I figure if you take 10 middle class, 10 low class, and 10 upper class drivers put them into the same car.. you’d get the same result between classes. But I guess that’s not

He’s an arrogant dick. Stop beta testing safety tech on people.

You know what? I love Lewis for trying to make things fun and actually relatable to most people. F1 is so sterilized and lacking in personality let them be.

I lived in Minnesota much of my life. I live in Palo Alto California now. There is no way in hell automated driving works in Minnesota 9/12 months. You will have more people dying in those states if they rely on some algorithm to recognize slush piles overlying black ice and wind gusts with some dude fishtailing

My car! Thanks for the props.

That’s my buddy Kirby Fong’s photo! He’s my favorite photog and has shot all my cars. I know Ben too.. he’s legit and wouldn’t lie.

Actually the owner spec’d it to be a mix of Volcano Orange and CF. I guess the Volcano Orange comes off as brown in that light.

Correction 12 parsecs

I think this whole “they look the same” thing is getting old. Being identical versus having a familial design language is not easily differentiated, but for clicks and laziness of analysis - people easily say it looks the same. Brand identity is constant everywhere. Audi does it. Mercedes does it. BMW does it. Lambo

I can see where this comes from, but that doesn’t happen very often that car people confuse my car for a p1 or a 570.

1991 NSX

Its funny people are losing their shit about Hamilton. He’s building his public persona which is consumed by people. It’s part of his own way of using the product of “Lewis Hamilton” to get marketing deals etc. Whether he is as douchebaggery as it seems on his posts, I don’t know.