
You folks that are arguing about whether or not it makes sense to buy high end headphones are completely missing the point. I have been to this area of South China many times and I can tell you that the fakes are everywhere and the Chinese don't seem to think there is anything wrong with producing these aqnd selling

Kindles are cheap enough. I wouldn't be even remotely interested in advertisements for $ 25, $ 50, or even $ 100 off. If they paid me, maybe... Nah. Not even if they paid me.

I had no idea! This might just be what the doctor ordered! I have lots of pretty powerful photo tools that didn't cost much. So I guess I can do a content aware fill with the Elements and then finihs up any of the fancy stuff with one of the affordable and already owned apps.

I love the content aware fill tool in CS5. I have a buddy that has this version of Photoshop and to demonstrate this feature, he asked me to select a pictrue from several he had in his "My Pictures" folder. So I picked one with a simple snapshot of his dog sitting in front of a flower bed. He circled up the dog

How much battery drain MY iPad uses is up to me and not up to Steve Jobs. Warn me, advise me, tell me, but don't control me.

You know, I read all these comments and thought about the one I had made and then rethought the issue. A wireless device, as others had suggested is a very good idea. But how about an add-on function in iTunes so you can get data in from a PC or a MAC desktop or notebook? That would be the best, right? It would

I don't know about CF either, and obviously the suggestion of the parallel printer port was just sarcasm, but a better alternative would be to just have been to include just one standard USB or Micro USB port and the offer, and allow others to offer adapters for everything including the option to load drivers for

Interesting. Well you know some products are made to hide physical attributes while others are made to enhance them. So has anyone come up with a "falsey" camel toe device? It could be like a push up or padded bra. Maybe some women might want to show off what isn't in evidence. Can you imagine what a crazy fad

Big companies have industrial design rules that they make and follow. They do this to give a common look and feel that becomes recognized as their own. Now these can change when a new product or product family is introduced, but I would bet that the radius in the scoop at the botthom of the MacBook Air and the

It doesn't look as if it would fit in my wallet...

That is just like Motorola. The Android O/S is really working for them. So what do they want to do? Invent something that they can call their own that might not work... Sheesh! I like my Droid, but when it is time to replace it, if a nice Motorola is available but only with a home grown Motorola O/S, then there's

I agree about AT&T's baloney advertising. They say "...and AT&T is getting faster with 4G..." What a way to lie. Sure AT&T will eventually get 4G and they will eventually be getting faster, but most people don't know what is going on and they must be assuming that AT&T actually HAS 4G. I went to the AT&T site and

This article is written as if the deal is done. But when a big deal like this is proposed, it has to be cleared by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC looks to see if a merger gives the new merged company an unfair advantage or a potential monopoly. It seems like AT&T taking over T-Mobile would

This test is probably a valid comparison from a user perspective. That is, unless it is trying to compare loading a flash page. Then the iPhone would be faster. It would immediately report that it cannot do it whereas the Android based phone would just load the page.

We get ours at Costco.

I dunno, let me get a flashlight so I can see my keyboard... We have so-called equivalent CLF bulbs here and we are in the dark.

If the government is going to regulate anything to do with the Internet, they will surely screw it up. This is not a dig against the Democrats or the Obama adminisstration. I just don't trust the government to do anything that is thought all the way through.

He'll never do five years. But what an idiot thing to do. He needs to punished in some way. I agree with whoopinghow. He'll probably get a slap on the wrist and community service and if he is a minorm after a couple of years it will be removed from his record. I bet he won't try this one again any time soon...

Well tonight I went to a web page and got the error message (on my iPad with ios 4.3) that the iPad was not capable of displaying HTML5. So besides the flash issue, it looks like we now have an HTML5 issue too. Great. Luckily, I had an Android phone and was able to see the webpage on that.

Heck no. I use the Apple Remote Desktop all the time and it works great. In fact, I manage my Windows Server with it. I also manage my Windows Server from my iPad using a third party RDP app. When apps are made to freely allow interchange, I think that's great. And even apps like Pages can read and write MS