
Wasn't that Frank Zappa?

What teh article didn't mehntion is that the bullet riccocheted and killed the Buuba's huntin' dog named Blue.

As far as I know, FaceTime works between Apple devices and Apple OSs. But Skype works on any device and pretty much any OS. So why would anyone pay even $ 1 for an app that limits you to a somewhat limited market when with Skype you can talk to anyone on any computer? Video chat is a communication vehicle after

This makes perfect sense to me. It would ruin the human interface to make it much smaller. Now we know that the iPhone is one of the most expensive smartphones out there to manufacture and in order to remain competitve against the various flavors of Androids, RIM phones and Windows phones, Apple probably needs to come

I used to go to Japan a lot and they really have some great vending machines over there. You can get dry cell batteries (AAA, AA, C, D and 9 Volt) from machines on the street. You see hot sake machines, hot ramen machines that automatically shoot hot water through the cover and into the cup, sex magazine machines,

Well, it is unlikely that the fish have magnets in them. If that was the case they would attract and repel each other. But the fish could have ferrous materials in them and there could be magnetic structures underneath the tablecloth that move around in the patterns we saw. What I cannot understand is how he got the

Downloaded it. Tried it. Deleted it. The Google Maps application is fine and this one stinks. It hung three tries in a row and the perfromance of the app is pitiful.

I wish the Verizon iPhone 4 had been equipped with dual capability; that is a SIM card slot for GSM and built in CDMA. Then users could be able to buy one phone and use it with a lot of different carriers. It is nuts that users buy a mobile phone, and if they don't like the carrier, they in order to change carriers,

Don't forget that back in the B&W days, Color TV was called a novel future with little chance of success. That was the case because it was very expensive and there was little to no programming available for it. In the early 60's, I remember going to a freind's house and they had one of these almost experimental

There's an App for that!

I think one of the biggest disadvantages of the iPad was missed in this article. That is that it lacks Flash. I have an Android phone and I can see flash enabled websites on it just fine. But on my iPad, I get to the Flash based site and it taunts me saying that the browser cannot open the page becasue it is

I would love to have free WIFI on a plane. The last few times I was on a plane that was supposed to have paid WIFI, even that was not working. If a flight is over an hour, I'd gladly pay $ 9. I don't care about streaming video or high speeds. I usually just want to be able to get and answer emails and connect to a

The device employed is called a TENS unit. TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation. These TENS devices have been around for years and have been used mainly for pain reducttion. The electrodes are usually adhesive pads that are placed; one near the point of pain at or on a nerve ending and the

I have an original Moto Droid and I use Verizon. At first, I thought this didn't work, but that was because I hit dial after entering the pattern as shown. When I tried again, I noticed that he phone put up a message on top that said "checkin succeeded" as soon as I hit the last # character on the keyboard.

Witthout seeing a costed bill of materials, I have no way to comment intelligently on this article. But something seems wrong. I have visited the telephone markets in Shenzhen China where they sell parts for phones. They are huge! They sell OEM parts for new phones there. And China is where most of the phones we

This isn't about spelling OR typing. It is all about the continued dumbing down of America for the sake of making the jobs of teachers easier. And this all happens at the expense of our kids and our society.

For those people that say this doesn't work on Android. try this. Zoom in for high detail and so you can see a buiding. Then using two fingers pull down on the touchscreen surface. The map should tilt a bit. Also, click on the compass symbol to allow the phone to follow the compas.

I have been waiting for someone to come out with a bolt-on front facing camera for the existing iPads. It could plug into the port on the bottom port since that port supports a USB of sorts. I have supposed that the reason it hasn't shown up so far was that Apple didn't have or care to supply a driver for an

@infmom: I once worked for Burroughs. I had a computer that used 8 inch floppies that were not plastic. They looked a lot like the 5 1/4 inch floppies used on the original IBM PC, only a lot bigger. Then again, when I first learned to program, it was in Cobol and we stored the data on punchcards and later we moved