
I have been to the mobile phone markets in Shenzhen and Gaungzao (both in China) and can tell you that you can buy just about any part of any phone made; now or in the past. Of course most of these are counterfeit. In fact, once I was in the Shenzhen market and they were selling parts for a phone that I knew had not

I downloaded the app for my iPad. Big yawn. On the PC, you can actually WATCH HD videos using the Xfinity app on the site. But on the iPad, you can't. Why? Flash of course. the Xfinity folks say they are working on a non-flash version for iPad and Android. Now THAT is what I want to see!

You people don't remember computers that came before the PC. They had 8 inch floppies!

@DarenTx: Daren, I suppose McDonalds could have put a sample pack of Camels and matches in with the Happy Meal. Then I would have been first on line to try and stop them. Actually parents would have stopprd them or stopped taking their kids there. But I hate it when government acts as guardians instead of parents.

Congrats Papa! Now we know why you had a guest lecturer in last week!

Yeah, I had four Delta flight segments in the last few days and I was both pleased that they offered WIFI on board all of them, and repulsed at the outrageous standard fee structure for it. IT was something like $ 12.99 for each flight segment to be able to connect. I had both a Windows 7 based notebook and an iPad

@songs: Oh c'mon. I never said that MS never went after the consumer market. I said they don't play there effectively. And I never said anything about why MS failed or suceeded at anything. I don't hate or love either company BTW. I just felt that the author of the original article was making a comparison, that

@songs: Yes @songs, I forgot about the Xbox. You are certainly right. But I still think that although MS makes the Xbox and the Zune, they have by no means been really competitive in the consumer end of the market and certainly have not been the success story that Apple has been. There is some overlap, but not very

This is just wrong. I am no fan of McDonalds and no supporter of taking kids to McDonalds and feeding them bugers and fries, especially on a regular basis.

@kitkatklub123: I would happily swap a McRib for a McLobster. Your McDonalds planning people have a better idea.

I have a pretty good memory of these things. But what I remember was that they were pretty bad. They were some kind of extruded pork (I think) product that is made to look like ribs, but there are no ribs in these things at all and likely never were. I have no no idea what part of the pig these things might have

@hvrock13: I am sorry to admit that I DID grow up in the 60s. I still have a classic old Gibson Trini Lopez that I bought brand new at Manny's on 48th street in NYC. It is still my favorite guitar. I was in Guitar Center the other day, just window shopping. I picked up a guitar and plugged it into an amp and was

I am not sure that this is a realistic comparison. With a few abberations as exceptions (like the Zune and the Microsoft Mouse), Apple and Microsoft are very different companies selling very different kinds of products to different audiences.

@d00kiefl4kes: I wish Gizmodo would stay away from politics too. It is really upsetting.

@uofmbob: I am in Michigan too and yes, I supported voted for Rick. Even the liberal Free Press newspaper that never seems to endorse Republicans endorsed Snyder.

I am a Gibson guitarist and like so many others, I feel the new Gibsons are horrible products and are an embarrassment. The latest one, as others have mentioned is the New Firebird and it is even more pathetic than this one. IT has more useless stuff on it. It is uglier and it is less of an instrument. If you go

@PinballFan: Great video. Made my day. I always wondered where that current went. I had no idea the power company was reusing it. Loved the comment about Edison and New Jersey!

The next time I am in Shenzhen, I think I'll get one of these. Then I can leave it on a barstool somewhere in San Francisco or New York...