I suggest a new drinking game. Every time someone on a Gawker blog says "This isn't news" or some variation thereof, take a shot.
I suggest a new drinking game. Every time someone on a Gawker blog says "This isn't news" or some variation thereof, take a shot.
Welcome to Gizmodo, you must be new here.
Dear Sam:
I tried the sunshine and cool breezes but wound up with sun poisoning. Is there any way for me to file a complaint against nature? Can we subpoena the sun or something?
Will any action be taken against players who are modifying their game files for any reason?
Chip and Dale are both still undecided
Case technology changes very little, and considering how they're reusable, you could keep the same case for upwards of a decade. A well designed case is a godsend when you frequently open your PC for cleaning, or changing parts. I hate the case I have now, I need to remove my hard drives in order to change my video…
All of what this guy said, plus DC was busted WIDE open by piracy fairly early on.
NES, SNES, N64, and even the Gamecube, though it was the beginning of the end.
Ask a retarded question, get a retarded answer.
They fundamentally do not give a fuck about you. Nintendo hates you. You are no longer their target demographic. They will release a new zelda, a new mario, a new metroid, etc. in hopes they will lure you to their system, but other than that, they want to pump out shovelware and print money off kids and casuals. The…
I'm an Android fanboy. I love to rag on iPhone and some of it's more obsessive proponents. I'm excited for my friends who are excited. When a friend posts how they pre-ordered the new one, I post the Giz link on how to best sell the old one. Granted my friends are also tech geeks, and power users who aren't bragging…
If you're nonstop using a phone one handed anyway, you're setting yourself up for repetitive strain injury. Commonly known as "smartphone thumb"
Oh, PixelSnader. How I've missed your quips, with this new awful commenting system...
Yeah, those damn bands that have been around for a decade that keep popping up...
You just went full retard... All I was doing was posting a giant joke at the expense of people who are not technologically savvy... That is it...
I just downloaded more RAM on my PS3. It was easy. I can really see the change in performance, too. I think I may download some more, just to be safe, but it's just so expensive. If it was PC, sure I could just pirate RAM for free, but it's not so easy on the PS3...
NO WAY! New ones are coming out? Time to upgrade! Maybe I'll splurge and get a 1 gig player... I'm close to filling up my 512 MB
REALLY? You need to touch the screen one extra time to get the MAC? THAT'S an issue you have?
To Verizon, data is data, regardless of whether it's 3g or 4g. You only lose your grandfathered data by upgrading. If you get the phone at full price (probably $600 or so) you keep your unlimited. Now, here's the question, how much data do you use? Maybe you'll be fine without it.