
my U2 broke up in the 90's and never reformed or released another album. and they're awesome. i wonder what those guys are doing nowadays...

how perfectly phallic of them...

wait, would SOPA allow the removal of sonic fan fiction? cuz i'd sacrifice my arms and legs to be able to remove that stuff from the internet...

it would be worth experimenting with, except i'd then have to convince my co-workers to do the same, which is more effort than running the machine empty once when i want a cup :P

"Why are they doing there?"


truth, it's peanut buttery deliciousness wrapped in a candy coating. no chocolate to get in there and muck up the flavor

and if you remember, the iphone 4 unveiling had a few hiccups with signal issues. the galaxy nexus face unlock didn't work during the big reveal for it, too. any live demo has a chance of screwing up, and it looks bad. i think it sucks, and i'd prefer all live demos, but i understand their reasoning

I wasn't trolling, I stand by my statement, you claim he says someone is backstage driving, but those were NOT his words. you put them in his mouth.

while i agree that all of that is within vlc's capabilities, the panel comes up as soon as the video starts playing from a paused position, it's pre-recorded, there's no getting around that.

"At the end of his 30 second demo he made a joke and said that he wasn't really driving the car, but someone backstage was driving."


an easy test.

that's the thing, i'm not saying that this is what sells BEST. i'm saying that even if it's not GOTY or a blockbuster smash, if they see that it lures in more people than it pushes away, they'll keep at it. things like this article saying "hey, maybe you could sell to the other half of the human species more if things

OH MAN, THAT'S WHAT THAT THING IS FOR? I used to have the tupperware version of one of those somewhere, as a kid, and used it to sculpt clay when I was playing.

i'm all for more diversity in character design and in the fandom itself, but it boils down to this: they put it out there, we buy it, they make more of it. now replace "it" with whatever you want, oversexualized females, overly buff men, engaging storylines, nuanced characters, an elderly woman beating small children

but those same loonies try to make us out to be against all religion so we need to explicitly state otherwise

all religions, but not all believers of any particular religion, just the loonies in the group. i may not have any particular faith, but i recognize that it's possible to believe in god and also NOT be a pompous ass.