no, there isn't... not according to Rick Santorum's views, at least.
no, there isn't... not according to Rick Santorum's views, at least.
Shotty on a baby penguin. I will raise him and name him Fred. It will be the greatest thing ever.
how about we take over antarctica, stick all the religious zealots there, and let them have free reign to stone each other to death for thinking impure thoughts. they can execute all the abortion doctors they want there and leave normal people to do their thing and think about things rationally.
probably closer to 8 trolls, at this point.
i wish they used mythic more for the pvp. the battlegrounds are shit, idk about the endgame pvp though. a level 1 and level 50 can be in the same bg match... there's only so much that a stat buff can do, a level 20 doesn't have the same utility (or skill with their class) as someone who is 30, 40, or 50. i see it as… how does that affect manufacturer adoption of ICS?
Zork Nemesis was painful to play... but in a way that they intended... it was so dark and morbid, I really didn't like it... and Amnesia? my brother mentioned it to me after he saw some pro gamer guy playing it on youtube, and my reaction was the same as that guys aparantly. "FUCK THAT GAME!" Dead Space had shit…
Get your newfangled vidja games off my lawn, damn it! that ain't no adventurey type gamin'!
i'm literally 10 days away from an upgrade to a nexus, one that i'm getting $250 off. thank you Best Buy for lying to me about your service plan (i'm sorry, "changing their policy"), and me having written proof!
How is this anything but what would be expected? Android releases to phones don't happen overnight. yes, ICS may have been in the wild for 2 months, but the os releases for phones usually take a few months. it's not pitiful, OR a disaster. it's exactly what is expected. This is the price Android users pay for having a…
i was thinking of that exact scene, i watched space balls over the weekend hahahaha
or force eric and steve to kiss and make up
well, by gunk i mean leftover coffee grounds come out when i run the machine empty. we use green mountain, and a few other brands. i'm not sure if it's one more than another doing it since i'm always getting it afterwards, but some i've noticed are packaged differently inside the cup itself, so it's possible it's…
there was a story on some gawker site not too long ago about how one set of cousins gettin' busy isn't the end of the world, it's when it happens over and over with no outside blood that it becomes a problem
all three are wrong, according to what i was taught.
over 9000 years ago
i hear endgame world pvp is a bit better, but warzones are actively bad. idk about pvp servers, though
the average person doesn't know about exif data
until someone presses the button on the back and resets it to defaults...