you beat me to it... well played sir.
you beat me to it... well played sir.
my girlfriend would do this a lot, until i kept asking her why she was sorry, and she realized she had no good reason to be...
I am here to extoll Gamestops non-existant virtues and say what horrible people you are for boycotting them.
ok, i'm done talking to trolls for the day. you enjoy yourself now. you go have fun with your angry birds mr. true gamer...
you seriously think that it's the only game he's played? the guy has zelda and space invader tattoos, and owns a replica master sword, so it's safe to say he plays more than just minecraft...
most of the good stuff is in the EU. the stuff that lucas has nothing to do with. :P
there's really no rabid battle between the trekkies and sw fandoms...
do you doubt joel's gamer cred? cuz as far as i'm concerned, he has passed the test... or are you claiming he's not a celebrity?
no, i've seen a bunch of comedians live, and even after seeing all of their specials there was still mostly new material. lewis black a few times, dave attell, mike birbiglia. dane cook just seems to rely on the same 10 jokes that have been around forever.
budgets are budgets, unfortunately.
This is why people say "Save the (Species X)"
Funny thing is my problem with dane cook is that he treats comedy like it's music. He can toss in a little bit of new material during a show, then just break out the greatest hits and expect everyone to love it forever. when i know the joke that's coming up from being 4 words into the setup, it's not funny anymore.
am i the only one who constantly thinks of the revengeancers from metalocalypse
to be fair, he does frequent 4chan, and there was recently a whole q&a with him there. my favorite was "why did you break up with whats her face, and why did you sign skrillex"
he was slowly gathering a following of geeks and then blew up in popularity with the bros and guidos and now he's everywhere.
i was under the impression that it was something from an irc chat room, not 4chan. but the story was more or less the same otherwise
1) it was a troll post
i think they meant a celebrity that is a true gamer, not that he is a celebrity because of gaming