While completely true, it still reeks of a PR stunt. one that he was all to willing to go along with to mess with people.
While completely true, it still reeks of a PR stunt. one that he was all to willing to go along with to mess with people.
cammy toe
not to mention she was named for a video game character
Yes it is, it just requires you to plant your head firmly up your ass to see it.
also, smooth jazz and a nice bottle of wine
am i the only one who had a hard time with the stabbing motion?
tangerine tango sounds like a stripper name...
that's not so bad, in Arizona, they physically remove you from the state for not carrying id
oh god, i read that in his voice too...
exactly, flexible oled's are where it's at, not a huge honking rear projection system... someone needs to get fired over that idiotic idea...
that's what i thought happened... especially w/ the phrase "biological hazard"
SERIOUSLY... i loved Grievous in the show, then they gimp him at the end and make him a cripple in the movie... what the hell?
why not?
cuz i'm a no good dirty liberal who hates america, duh!
godspeed, good sir, and may the force be with you :|
really? i remember there being a lot of hype around it... i remember friends clamoring to get into the beta, etc. and me not caring 'cuz i had dark age of camelot...
bioware is still talking about how if you preorder now you can get in up to 5 days early... so i think its just gs that screwed you, which i've heard happened to a lot of people...
bitch and moan.
i don't have much of an issue with the character creation, though the body types are bad... theres normal, anorexic, musclebound, and fatty fat fat i picked "normal" every time, aside from making an overweight wrinkly grey haired sith warrior named "grumpygrandpa" who yelled in /general at people to get off his lawn…
whenever the player base tapers off. IF it tapers off. this is probably the most highly anticipated MMO since WoW came out a decade ago... and it delivers a solid game experience, too...