
No, only your vagina can argue.

The president is not supposed to “rule the country”. He’s supposed to “lead the country”.

Yes! If he hadn’t accidentally pulled over a woman without a record, he’d probably still be raping black women.

I doubt very much it was 13 women. How many still haven’t come forward? I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear it was more like 300 women.
And, what would be the point for them to come forward now? I only wish they could make him live for the full 263 years in a shit hole, specially made for him.
The bravery of the

I will toke to the ladies who stood up and said what he did, even though they were ridiculed and threatened. Good for you Ladies!!

We did a 6th grade sock hop (our last year in elementary school) and we loved it. The best part was that they waxed the floors for us and we got to slide all over in our socks. That’s the 1st dance I remember. After that, I was usually with the music geeks and we loved to dance. No parents were ever invited.

Her entire time on The View was a try-out for Fox or CNN.

She doesn’t design the questions but they do get checklists of words/phrases they’re supposed to use and words/phrases they can get fired for using. It was not off the cuff.

RI has it’s own chowder. They ask if you want clear or milk. The milk is NE chowder. I think only the natives order clear.

And, I thank you for that.

It was one of the best moments on TV. I don’t care what people say about we who watch reality TV, that was great!

Definitely NOT Brown.

I think brussel sprouts are even better picked after a frost.

Speaking as a boomer, nuh-uh!

You don’t slather it in ketchup, you mix the ketchup in, along with an envelope of onion soup mix and an egg and some bread crumbs if you’re using ground turkey because it doesn’t hold together as well as ground beef.

I’ve bought some very nice ones on eBay. It was 2 sisters in Taiwan making them and they did a beautiful job and then, I think they changed their ebay ID. I cannot find them anymore.

How am I supposed to go out and about w/o shaving my legs when it’s too hot for jeans? I’ll tell you how.
Maxi Dresses!!!!!

It’s because having Hussein for a middle name is absolute proof that Obama is a socialist and communist, dictator Muslim from Kenya.

Turnip!!!! There cannot be another A Small Turnip, can there?

I wonder if that Pom had problems in the past? I adopted a 2 year old Pom off petfinder.com and she had been through hell for those 2 years in a puppy mill. We were told to expect problems, and we got them, but nothing we couldn't deal with. We had to go through a ton of paperwork, refrences, home visit and interviews