I did.
I did.
Finally some good Star Wars from Disney. Iwas truly delighted watching this, both dark moments and lighthearted cheesy stuff.
The writing is really strong though and it explores some interesting ideas, i was never bored taking in text.
Damn, im sold.
It could be as different as Path of Exile is from Diablo 3. Easy to learn but hard to master with a lot of different modes of progression.
Id like to see you bring this up next time you hear a Michael Jackson song in a piece of media. This is just bandwagoning dumping on the Joker for no reason.
The shows hasnt ben shy about amalgamating different characters and shifting storylines around from the books so maybe he’ll make a big return for season 5.
GTAV roleplay on twitch is the best thing ive found in 2019, i watch it every day now :)
GTAV roleplay on twitch is the best thing ive found in 2019, i watch it every day now :)
That’s just novelty, it’ll still be the same go here go there press X. Innovation in gaming would be something like VR.
No one cares because it’s fiction, those jokes just undermines the narrative.
true but atleast it followed one mans vision and not handed of to 3 directors (now 2), same can be said about the prequels even though they sucked.
Yeah right, its pretty obvious they didnt plan out the trillogy before hand.
Weird i never see american police beating protesters in the news. If you’re talking about something else that has nothing to do with the topic then be specific.
They’re not running a charity, if its not doing well its canned.
This guy should stick to painting.
Thats like one line in the movie that tells you there is war profiteering going on, damn thats good world building. The Porgs played a bigger part in the last jedi.
I’ll never understand why people speak with such certainty when they’re wrong. Ive not read the books but with a simple google search i found this:
That looks so good, i hope amazon promotes the shit out of it too.