
Haha, I havnt played Nioh but looking at screenshots it looks like its based in folk lore, maybe its props are historically accurate but i dont think a game with demons in it is trying to be historically accurate in its representaion of the time.

Thats a fantasy game.

Sounds like a storyline fit for a Assassins Creed game. Pretty much every review of this game points out how Henry being just a regular teenage boy is much more of a rarity than the manifest destiny trope RPG stories usualy rely on. The story ive played so far in this game is extremely mundane but the immersion is off

Yeah its not a history book, fictional story set in historical setting. The game has a codex entry about everything in the game from historical figures to such mundane day to day life like beekeeping. There’s also the reading mechanic with which you can learn to access books with all kinds of short stories etc.

There are Cumans in the game, which we are told are middle eastern/eurasian mercenaries that have settled in Hungary and i have even spotted atleast one npc guard model that clearly has eursian features (i havnt been looking that hard tbh). I think the debate is more about black skinned people which is why people

I was more thinking middle eastern spice trade etc. but maye i was thinking of china.

I thought the evidence of the prevalence of actual black skinned people in the region was up for debate. But honestly the game already has eurasian people (cumans/tartars) which actually has a historical significance in the region with invasion of the mongols (hence why theyre the games villains - as far as i know,

Well i like history and there arent alot of opportunity to experience it in a rpg game. It’s fair that you’re not interested in white people, ihave alot of things in not interest in aswell.

Well i like history and there arent alot of opportunity to experience it in a rpg game. It’s fair that you’re not interested in white people, ihave alot of things in not interest in aswell.

Im not that knowledgable about the japanese history, just hedging my bets based on that japan is an island and presumably traded.

Its a historical setting about the region around the devs homeland, whats questionable about doing their cultural heritage justice? Im looking forward to your opinion on the next histocial game set in feudal japan and how its full of asians (although japan probably had alot more diversity at that time than eastern

This picture is a part of history now, amazing.

Missed opportunity to get the Pewdiepie edition.

Do you have any evidence of “virulent hate” or does he just have controversial opinions? Either way it wont have any impact on me liking the game or not, i plan to start playing it this weekend, from all accounts its a great game.

Thats true, i wouldnt invest in a wildcard either if i didnt have that extra money to spend. I get defensive about crowdfunding because its been such a homerun on almost every project i have backed so far over the years (mighty no. 9 being the only miss) But i can see how personal experience can skew opinion either

Well you wouldnt be able to “buy it when its done” if not for people crowdfunding it.

I wouldnt put any of those people in the same category, hence one of a kind. pointless to discuss if you only see black or white.

Maybe, i havnt done the research, my impression comes from what streamers are popular enough to reach my newsfeed. Actually i cant think of any streamers that has commited to playing a wwe heel like this or got popular doing it.

Most terrifying experience i had was diving as deep as i could go off edge of the playable area only to turn around to a ghost leviathan diving straight for me. Some amazing moments in this game.

Subnautica has a static world, a very beautifully crafted ocean. And a story, one that doesnt hold your hand through it, i got stuck for hours searching for clues and location under the sea, not even mad ^^