
The story is complete yes and very satisfying i think :)

This guy seems like one of a kind so its kinda of a useless strawman to make.

I bought it two years ago but intentionally waited until release, i did see a short lets play of an early version of the game. The graphics does look much improved, the model for the Aurora was the first thing i noticed was different.

Im playing Subnautica aswell, this game feels like such a original experience, ive never played anything like it before. It’s both magical and terrifying to dive deeper into that ocean and the story is presented in such a creative way. It doesnt hand hold you at all after a certain point and you have to find your own

That encounter is so buggy, i didnt even try to cheese it but apparently if you run away from the fight his hp gets permanently reset to non-demonic verison. I learned this after beating my head against it for sevral attempts and i also learned along the way that if i kill him before he talks to Lohse her questline

This woman is insane, she should not be out in public with regular people.

When the guy looks better than the girl, confusing.

Damn thats a blast from the past!

Even the Link cosplay looks like Zelda.

Why start over 5 times? It’s natural that you’re going to get sick of repeating the same thing over and over. You can respec your characters for free unlimited times after the first act.

Yogscast raised 5.25 milion in december through humble bundle on Twitch.


Let’s not pretend things on the far left are any different.

If theres one excellent video for every hundred then its worth it. No one is forcing you to watch somehting you dont like.

His notoriety is in no small way boosted thanks to all the articles about him over the years, thanks Kotaku!

It’s incredibly easy to find both “free” work and “paywall’d” work of the best artist. Thats why you cant rely on that kind of business model, you have to assume only a small percentage of people will have the mindset and the means to support you.

It’s free advertising since these artist dont pay or even have an avenue for ads, how do you think people find their work to begin with? I support several artist and writers on patreon whos work ive found by “stealing it”.

You one of those people that think Marilyn Mansons music is responsible for Columbine aswell? Moronic, violent media is international yet its only the US that has this mass shooting problem, maybe its time you looked somewhere else for where the probem lies.

Its not media that causes these mass murder, you should have learnt that by now. So tired of moral panic over works of fiction.

I can think about quite alot of sports that can get you killed if you fuck up.