Yes, it’s gambling. Baseball cards are gambling. Any game of chance is gambling. To take a chance is to gamble. Case closed.
Yes, it’s gambling. Baseball cards are gambling. Any game of chance is gambling. To take a chance is to gamble. Case closed.
Funnily enough like whales in videogames 10% of drinkers consume more than 50% of all alcoholic beverages.
You mean they failed to get away with it.
You mean they failed to get away with it. Not really an accident when you design it that way.
Luckily i realized pretty early that the game wanted Ciri to make her own choices, or the options was bad or worse and i went with ‘you decide’, cant remember exactly :)
When the game is rigged its hardly matters.
Most parents are incompetent.
Wow, now im depressed and slighly aroused at the same time.
Misdirected anger by apathetic gamer.
New Ippo? like Hajime no Ippo the boxing anime?
7 people picked up smoking after seeing this.
I cant believe we’re having this discussion but sure. In relation to what a necromancer is supposed to look like (like a skeleton) i dont think its that far fetched to call her a thicc necromancer :P If your definition differs from mine then that would also explain it ^^
I said it because she’s supposed to be a skinny necromancer but has hips and thighs like a instagram model. The artist obviously had alot of fun drawing it.
The WoW poster reminds me of Ciri.
You dont thing the changing cultural landscape has anything to do with it? Dont forget the Spacey thing got uncovered because of the Weinstein thing.
Jim Sterling is so awesome i will watch this a second time out of respect.
Nostalgia is a dangerous thing.
The Witcher 3 ingame gwent is childsplay compared to Gwent the standalone game. It’s not balanced in the slightest so once you figure out a winning strategy you can beat just about every opponent with it. Just stack a shit load of spies and a few decoy cards for starters and you’ll be godly in no time.
Just give up on AAA games if you want a good time is my advice(for myself) moving forward. Still alot of good games out there that have a soul.