If Gavin McInnes is the measure of white supremacy today i think we’re pretty safe.
If Gavin McInnes is the measure of white supremacy today i think we’re pretty safe.
I thought mass shootings refered to terrorist acts by a single or a handful of individuals and not what is basically militia/police/military actions. It’s allowed to categorize things differently and still condemn them you know.
But wait developers are making money off youtubers advertising their product for free. This is just straight up virtue signalling from the devs of Firewatch, the videos are old and no one watches them anymore as is the game, which btw is getting free exposure yet again through this controversy.
Next week: Im done with the Internet.
And the book of mormon in the theater.
That hit the feels, following a Let’s Play of the game right now so the past few months The Witcher has been on my mind alot and it’s nice to experience the game again through someone elses eyes.
Yes its hard to argue against 70/30 split in sales in favor of consoles of Witcher 3 but it stings as the series was originally a PC exclusive :)
“Console generation”
Makes sense, theyre part of the axis after all ^^
Ive never seen it in english, i dont know what the point would be at this time either (seen it 3-4 times) :D
I liked the show alot overall.
Dont look a gift horse in the mouth, anyway they can just take their shitty site somewhere else.
Free speech will always clash with your ability to keep a job.
Because you need an Unhealthy obsession to become the best at anything.
Bill Gates seem alright.
Okay now i know why my dad enjoyed these books so much when i was growing up, awkward.
Sporting event press tour aficionados everywhere are outraged.
Its spooky how you cant distinguish trolls from serious posts nowadays ^^
That’s fucking racist.
Get on my level Panda.