It’s amazing to me that you got all of that out of it, very creative.
It’s amazing to me that you got all of that out of it, very creative.
Thats my fetish :3
If this was Witcher 3 they would have spent 6 months supporting the game with patches that vastly improved the game from its release state and added new features and content for free.
Shouldve put a pic of Bernie under that quote, she doesnt fit the bill.
Whats the point of doing anything at all?
Without science you wouldnt be typing that.
You’re right if only South Park was more serious and showed some empathy and understanding it would be totally hilarious.
I would say anyone that buys games day one is pretty dumb, me included.
Should be noted that the only ones that lost their shit were the crybullies, Bret Weinstein makes alot of sense if you care to read what he has to say.
Well obviously there are constraints depending on where you’re from and what laws your country have, but in this case offensive means swearing on a youtube video. This is why we must always defend the right to free speech from those that wants to restrict it.
I think it was better on the show with the context before and after the segment.
Thats offensive but i support your right to free speech.
Also freedom of speech does not mean freedom to be offensive.
Mother of all boob-armor on that Wonder Woman, even a panty shot in that picture, classy!
She’s good enough but he’s speaking about the strategy and the message of the clinton campaign here.
I know that feeling, sometimes i keep opening game after game and just cant get into any of them because im distracted or anxious about something. Try mindfulness and stop the endless conversation you’re having with yourself in your head is my advice :)
It looks like my worst nightmare, i wouldnt take a paycheck to play that kind of game, makes me realize i could never be an engineer when people do this shit for fun ^^
I dread this time of year, its even worse than christmas music.
Why not blame the Wallstreet Journal instead for manufacturing the outrage? Pewdiepie is not more or less outrageous than any other youtuber, he just got targeted and the story blew up, not really his fault is it?
I havnt played it (not a big fan of shooters) but i enjoy watching it on twitch, they just introduced a partnership program where streamers can host custom games and its pretty cool. The streamer can tweak the spawn parameters and some game mechanics etc.