
Shame about all those horseshoe makers losing out to the automobile aswell.

I didnt think these “plotholes” mattered at all to the overarching story, its explained sufficently within the context and the game being 4th wall breaking for most of it. I played through it once and even watched a let’s play of it, really good game.

You already have naked pecks to drool over, sex organs is another ballpark.

The harrasment did more to promote that than anything in her videos, food for thought.

This is just the logic endgame of plastic surgery.

Well games arent neutral, a team of people specifically engineered it to try and hijack our attention and manipulate us to spend more time in it/make additional purchases etc. Some more than others obviously.

I thought that was how you played Besthesda games? Seriously i dont think that has much to do with autism.

I think eyebrows were raised about their values way before that but sure theres alot of hypocracy in that camp including the tactic of organizing against kotakus sponsors and now more recently decrying youtube’s sponsors pulling out.

Tabloid garbage not Journalism.

I dont think saying you’re for free speech and at the same time being disgusted at whats being said is a double standard. Just because you’re for free speech doesnt mean you cant be vindictive and take pleasure in seeing a platform you dislike bite the dust.

Free press =/= Posting celebrity sextapes

On another note, Studio FOW funding has trippeled since your Article on them last year ^^ They rake in $21,514 a month making digital porn lol

by aussi street artist Lushsux

You mean you feed it cute things? Not the same.

It’s the classic “Soros” narrative, such a tired conspiracy.

lol thats so true, who is more foolish, the fool or the one who sleeps with him? :D

Trump snowflake spotted.

People don’t read into the manufacturing process of their iPhone.

Im really happy i decided to be patient and hold off playing this one until they work on fixing the problems, i even preordered the game and got it installed and ready but patience will give me a better experience i think.

Kids in africa could’ve eaten that cardboard.