Oh i thought i was being childish laughing at videos aimed at teens :D Thats a load of my mind !
Oh i thought i was being childish laughing at videos aimed at teens :D Thats a load of my mind !
I dont know man, i think ive had my fill of D2 long ago.
Its not a zero-sum game, e-sports can grow without traditional sports declining.
Ive catched a few pewdiepie videos lately just because they keep coming up in my recommended because i watched Kotaku links and actually ive laughed quite a bit. Felix is pretty funny dude. Am i alt-right yet?
Im sure the popularity of the Witcher games has contributed to increased sales of his books, no? His books were popular in Poland before the games but lets be honest CDPR elevated the Witcher to another level and while he lost out on a better direct deal he got something much more valuable, exposure.
lol true, One Piece is kinda silly aswell at times but it has its dark moments just as Naruto, overall a better manga imo. And everyone knows pirates>ninjas :D
I used to follow Naruto about 10-12 years ago when i was in my teens and early 20s but i think i matured out of it within a couple of years. Only anime/manga i follow these days are One Piece and even then i just binge on it eery 6 months or so ^^
Dat wrex/shepard
I love Twitter for many reasons, its great if you know good people to follow but its horrible for any kind of meaningful interaction with people. Basically people build echo-chambers there and it gets nasty when the spheres cross. I use it mainly for links to articles.
Great post, im right there in the center with ya ^^
They are probably not adults soooo technically not people? :D
I enjoyed HoS more aswell, the narrative is alot more interesting. Blood and Wine is very cliche by design and the ending to the main plot didnt live up to its potential imo.
The Witcher 3 got the same treatment at launch and it overcame its critics by just being a fantastic game. If Andromeda is a great game it will proof itself on its own merits, it doesnt need fanboys to defend its reputation.
Im glad you brought this to my attention so i can laugh at how silly these people are. Personally im gonna watch the movie when it comes out, maybe ill even like it.
Articles are one thing and reading articles online is even more niche, OP mentioned tv-news. Anyway no point arguing over this ^^
It was there and it was gone, only in gaming news media was it dragged out for months.
Jumping to conclusions there, this is way too small to make it into main stream news. Even gamergate barely got covered and the news cycle turns over within a couple of days.
Your claim that they’re mostly children falls apart when you compare it to any other in-group-out-group behaviour.
Dave Chappelle: