
Yes it does, ever watched a movie where the actor is portaying a racist character? Its no different when a comedian is setting up a premise. What matters is the context.

It’s not rascist within the context, i can see how people dont find it funny however as i didnt either.

Respect and human decency isnt funny.

Exactly you have no horse in the race and most people that are outraged wouldnt watch a pewdiepie video in their life.

They should remove the advertising if they feel the content is inappropriate, thats all they should do. Or just label it in such a way that advertisers know what they’re getting behind.

Should we hold google responsible for offensive material that might show up in google search aswell?

hahaha thats too funny a true martyr lol

“Communism — the effort to give all men what they need and to ask of each the best they can contribute — this is the only way of human life.

I like Sam Harris quote describing Trumps speech pattern;

This list triggers me so much ...

Could be worse, i regularly get stuck reading comments on twitter for half an hour, then i slap myself and go do something productive.

Guild Wars 2 same as every day and have been getting back into Black Desert Online after a veeery long hiatus. Dont know if BDO will stick but i enjoying messing around for the time being.


I dont know, suicide by poison is overwhelmingly a female thing.

That jedi? should get a refund on those sabres, beams arent alligned.

You’re promoting harrassment, what a great person you are.

Are you just forcing yourself to play a critically acclaimed game? Thats a pretty sad way to game if thats the case.

Dont think of it as DLC, they are proper expansions with higher production value than the main game. Hearts of Stone is the best piece of storytelling ive ever played through in a game to be honest.