
Their guidelines say pornography but as far as i know there are tons of erotica being created using patreon, i guess its fine as long as the content is being hosted elsewere or something.

If your average views in say 5-10k a video then you can probably make a decent amount from Patreon if you advertise it and interact with your fanbase.

Patreon seem like a step up compared to ad revenue though, from the channels i follow the once that mainly rely on direct funding are less clickbaity and can be more creative or nieche with their content.

Ive noticed alot of youtubers using patreon as alternative revenue stream these days, seems like the healthy thing to do to build a fanbase that funds you directly instead of relying on clicks and views.

Being there personally does nothing, he shouldve sent some aid workers in ugly hats instead.

Beacause they werent released on a handful of plaforms and pcs with videly different specs and being alot more simplistic than games today.

Grow a brain Trump supporter jeeesh lol

Is this how you’re gonna behave when the alien mothership gets here? xD

Do i remember it? Thats how i do it now except its torrent, ah the good old now.

lol yeah criminals will flock to buy plane tickets to come over there and steal and break shit ...

Huh, i would say the opposit, Starbound is less like Minecraft because of its focused scripted story. When it comes to building Minecraft didnt have a ton of different blocks so saying Stabound has more customization doesnt make it more like Minecraft. The only thing that would apply to that argument would be that

Definatly Terraria, its more open like minecraft but doesnt have a story focus like starbound does, the systems are just so much better i keep wishing i was playing it instead.

I loved it, most of the characters are great, the mythology is interesting, the drama is OK. Also laugh out loud funny sometimes.

I absolutely loved it, ive been eagerly waiting on the next episode every week and thats the first show that grabbed me like that since GoT season 1-3. I went in not knowing much about the comic except the name really but from what ive heard thats only a positive.

Install some beehives in the park, problem solved :3

people laugh at stupid not awkward or creepy, social anxiety is also lack of social skills.

To be fair that video is a sasuagefest

Dont take the lords name in vain please

same here, its crazy how i know every characters without giving damned about the game ^^

Thats how the sky looks in sweden, 5 days a year xD