Well the post was only about the its influential design, not about it being the best game series ever.
Well the post was only about the its influential design, not about it being the best game series ever.
I would have to guess someone with enough ingenuity to plan something like this also applies it to make real money, or so i would hope, but maybe this is just some one hit wonder that spent his last dime on a virtual dick-measuring contest ^^
damnit you made me dig out my boglins collection, army guys looking better than ever :D
I watch stuff like this from time to time, great food inspiration :) This is my favorite channel for that stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/eodyd188
Yes i believe theres people that get aroused by horror and mutilation. When you think about it its not that much much of a leap from masochism where people get off on pain or cuckoldry/netorare where people get off on negative emotions.
No Man Reacts?
Its super easy but super fun, just play it alot and you’ll get it. You might get stuck on some opponents eventually but just return lateonce you have a better deck.
miss ing toe!
This guy <3
>weeabo detected<
Ironically his low sentence backfired because now more people know his face :D He would be better off going to jail for a few years in relative annonymity instead.
guy in white t-shirt grabs a girls butt
I just use daily disposable ones, ultimate cleanliness :)
2016 continues my love affair with Guild Wars 2 with my side bitch Diablo 3.
Thats why i said it, didnt remember it having any overwatch it in tho ^^
eh his reply has 770 upvotes currently, nuff said
Dont worry, wont be long now until the hentai comunity pitches in ^^
Yeah its weird that he has his pants on in the missionary position ^^
Dont forget Paragon, Paladins and Lawbreakers. Everyone is making the same game lol. Everyone wants to be the next LoL of esports.
I thought the point was that hes not blamed for the actions of his brother hence hes able to compete, if this was in America he would likely be held for questioning indefinatly ^^