
Tetris hasnt gotten much new content since release either, gameplay stays relevant as long as its fun. If you dont like the gameplay and only play Diablo games for the story you’re better off reading a book.

The game only got good once they listened to the biggest complaint and removed the real money auction, it solved so many basic design faults of the original game.

Ive only been playing solo and it works out great if you have a stable internet connection, blizzard battle.net can be a bitch sometimes with a lot of disconnects so take that into consideration.

You say that like thats something thats videly available in the 21st century :D If its male only feminists absolutely have to get in there ;)

Ive definatly done that too, spend hours installing a couple of dozen mods and then realized i had already played the game to exhaustion already and uninstalled and never looked back :D

I would say its a small vocal minority, i think you know that too but go ahead and vent ^^

Only chose the class because i wanted to main heal at release, did some raids and hardmodes or what theyre called back then but now i just wanna check out the story. So im thinking i maybe should reroll something more interesting. Thanks for advice :)

haha that explains it then

Jedi consular, wasnt the worst but nothing special. Ive heard good things about the new expansion thats the only reason i went back to the game, maybe i should just skip straight to it :)

Ive just started playing it again and im doing the hutt cartel expansion at the moment, cant say im enjoying it tbh. Is this one just a bad expansion or does it become better? Also i was not all that enchanted with the main story first time around.

Nah thats cocaine face and hes probably laughing at Dr. Ken, who knows, who cares?

You are pretty much right on every account, and still i fall for it almost every time (not this time though!) Somehow that feeling of disgust always sets in around the 100-200 mark for me so atleast i get my moneys worth ^^

Ill consider it, will have to be pc version though since i dont have a tv anymore, console days are ovah!

People keep telling me that, maybe ill get it for PC (theres a pc version right?) and check it out.

Just telling ya what appeals to me lately, and closed narrative single player games is not high priority for my personal enjoyment :) Love the mass effect lore though, but getting into ME3 after so many years is too much effort :P

I dont see it happening, i rarely play anything but MMOs or open-world rpgs anymore :)

The modding commuity fixed that right quick ;)

Yeah i loved the first two, completely skipped the last one from growing bioware fatigue and player feedback.

It would be boring as fuck as most people dont know enough about those cultures to understand satire and/or references involving them. Atleast the story would be a complete dud.

you done goofed