
Multi-culturalism doesnt work, too many immigrants dont want to assimilate and too many natives dont want them there. Human nature.

You think you’re joking but im still getting replies once in a while to a kotaku comment i made 3+ years ago, hang in there ^^

I agree with most of that. From what ive heard the insurgents were made up of former regime police/army but a huge part were foreign fighters that just showed up out of opportunism/religous conviction/whatever.

That number is rediculous, 150k is the rough low estimate, thats alot of leeway. Also i guess the insurgents didnt score a single kill, its not like their tactics is mass bombings of civilians or anything.

One of the best rpgs ever made is lowering the bar, yeah sure.

Its been shown that its not poverty and low education that makes a suicide bomber, disproportionatly they have some sort of higher education. No one blows themselves up over economic grievances, they are brainwashed with islamist ideas about defending islam.

Yeah that might be the case if you live in philosophy land were worship means something else than the generally understood meaning of the word and the word atheist means something else than the condition of not believeing in a god.

I wouldnt call him a dick, take that to bethesda or whoever who made it a scarcity to begin with.

Twitch has VoD of past “shows” aswell, but sure youtube is more convenient if you’re looking for some perticular thing. Twitch is more popular because people are already there for their gaming streams and this is a just a novelty right now.

Its’ like when articles started having comment sections on the internet instead of being printed on paper, hope that helps old timer!

Yes its good thats why they made a spinoff movie after the fact.

Are you saying you didnt like Firefly? Watch out we got an edgelord over here!

I thought he meant he was gay and has no interest in women ...

Maybe the person in charge wanted to teach what they thought was a prankster a lesson, youd have to pretty cynical to jump to the conclusion that the school is run by psychpaths.

Gabi is hardly a woman anymore with the amount of steroids/hgh/testosterone shes taking, im not sure shes human.


Then what did you think the expansion pass was for?

Another harmless introvert here. I think you need the perfect storm of nature and nurture to produce these mass shooters, it’s just luck of the draw who ends up in the wrong environment with the wrong genetics.

Its the difference between a stand up comic and a comedic actor.

Well thats typical for transwomen, they go all out feminin much to the chagrin of the gender politic advocates that claim that theres no such thing as a male or female brain :P The very existance of trans people is the biggest hole in feminist theory.