
Actually i would call any culture outside of the american one a minority culture to different extents, atleast when it comes to western popular culture.

Im not talking about the game at all actually but id love to hear your opinion on what makes someone white, or better yet maybe youd like to comment on what we were actually discussing?

I believe that was something called exaggeration, commonly used in comedy but you’d have to ask the OP.

Polish culture is a minority in europe and on the international stage. Dismissing it as white culture is false and kind of racist (not saying thats what you are doing) You would be right if this game was only published in poland.

They do have something in common, both are made by cultural minorities but only one got attacked for being homogeneous. It’s ironic that people lose their shit over one and not the other. Please use fewer words in the future.

It’s an ironic comment that has some truth to it, if you cant include that in your view on the subject then you are the one oversimplifying things. This is also not a debate so bringing up debate fallacies makes no sense.

It’s actually spot on what happened with the witcher 3 :D

Would it be okay for me to call people fucking blacks?

Of course people love knockouts, but not because they love seeing other people get hurt but because its the raw natural culmination of a fight. I think its also a remnant of boxing that people expect the knockout to be the be-all-end-all but thats changing since people are increasingly cheering on submissions now.

No i watch beacuse i like seeing people excel at martial arts and for the competition and the fact that it’s the hardest sport there is to be sucessful at. I dont think people watch MMA because they’re sadist, thats rediculous.

Sorry to hear that, unfortunatly alot of questa re broken, even their DLC quest Skelliges most wanted is broken at the moment, shame since it was a really good one but you cant finish it.

There are different solutions you can try for this quest, google it, worked for me eventually.

i like these videos, you could make it in the youtube world !

what are you trying to say here

I wish i could say i beat it but from what i remember we got like halfway before raiding ceased and guild split up for fucking TBC aka death of 40-man raiding.

Yeah haters gonna hate, anyone spewing hate at other people online is just pitiful. Realize you’re a bully and get better.

You had to make a second reply to make that joke? It wasnt even good :(

People need to relax because its a translation that apparently was wrong and the whole thing exaggerated, but instead of cooling down people have to come up with new reasons to stay mad at this one thing. No matter what new information people are presented with they’re likely to stick to their first initial reaction,

I was getting kinda tired of the Arkham games formula anyway, its good that they helped make my decision not to buy it.