Go to the dentist man.
Go to the dentist man.
two kinds of soup!? wtf
My main beat at Kotaku is Steam. To me, PC gaming is weird games that traditional publishers wouldn’t touch with a ten foot rod
Well thats not accurate, people have been getting refunds without losing account progress.
I had the exact same problem going from VII/VIII to VI which is supposed to be great. Its one of those things you just had to be there when it was released or something ^^
I feel your pain, some of those characters and plots make me cringe just thinking about them. And i used to think WoT was the greatest thing ever, when i was 12 ^^ Best thing i got out of them was introducing me to Brandon Sanderson though !
You need to be a little more skeptic when someones trying to sell you something.
Yes! finally my katana collection will get my laid ... probably
Well those Hong Kong protests last year went nowhere in the end ...
Yet it has last generation graphics, i dont understad how im supposed to play and enjoy this after experiencing Witcher 3 :(
I just bought one and running at ultra on witcher 3 at 60fps so im good :)
Look at this fat fuck, i think its hilarious this guy is saying he’ll crack on the dangerous weed addiction when he’s eating himself to death, maybe sort out your own addictions first you hypocrite.
whatevz we’re still superior :3
And Yakuza is full of asian people. It is what it is.
Losing profits is not something unusualy in the mmo market though right? Even wow lost what 3 milion subs recently, its what happens after the boxed release. I just doubt that GW2 is that unprofitable that they would call it quits anytime soon. I think they did made a mistake not to go the traditional expansion pack…
Not alot of colored folk in Poland where the setting takes it lore and inspiration from. So pointing that out accomplished what exactly?
Guild Wars 2 i doing well with its gem store sales, recent launch in China and upcoming expansion, so nothing to worry about there.
I like CDRPs product as much as anyone, but they’re not a hero they just want to project that image, they are a company that wants to make as much profit as possible.
Just beacuse someone pirates it doesnot mean they would have bought it, i used to pirate games in my youth when i didnt have any money, no longer however but it made into a lifelong customer. The evils of piracy are way overblown.
holy shit gwent is awesome, right now my main focus in the game is finding vendors for cards and npcs to win cards from :D