Well that was just shortsightedness on our part, today i much prefere this middleman than waiting until stores open so i can travel there and buy a physical disc ^^
Well that was just shortsightedness on our part, today i much prefere this middleman than waiting until stores open so i can travel there and buy a physical disc ^^
You think its shitty that she thinks a trans-woman might have an unfair advantage in combat sports? I think shes spot on that it should be on a case by case basis. There’s plenty of evidence that people who use anabolic stereoids have a permanent benifit even when they get off it. It would only make sense that a man…
which was a total lie to begin with http://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/com…
They restored an item for me within a couple of days recently, best service ive ever gotten in an mmo.
Read again
And violent video games makes people more violent in real life as facts clearly shows /sarcasm
No i dont think we disagree about the facts. Yes i think NATO is seen as a threat in Russia and its the wrong approach to just say "what are they gonna do about it", well you can see for yourself what theyre doing about it. Russia wont tolerate US NATO bases anywhere near them, just like the US wuldnt tolerate Russian…
So not so different from how the US has treated their southern neighbours historically (honduras, guatamala, panama, granada, haiti, nicuragua, venezuela etc. etc.), all im saying is if the shoe was on the other foot itd be to argue that if some military "defence" coalition of russias was expanding into south american…
Superpower or major power, however you want to define it, russia is still a threat militarily and that should be anyones first concern (especially her neighbours). By respect i mean dont poke the bear (great cliche i know).
RIP Terry Pratchett, such sad news, cant believe we'll probably never get anymore night watch stories :(
This is what happens when you stop treating a super power with the respect they feel they deserve, Russia feel backed into a corner and they need to remind the world just who we're dealing with.
Perverts Unite ! Heyoo
Theres something wrong with your tastebuds, go see a doctor !
Okay hipster grandpa
As the type of gamer who only plays one online game (mostly) im glad this isnt my problem :P
They're not compairable, Planet Side 2 while great is the biggest cut and paste ive ever seen ^^ Guild Wars 2 has a massive map with unique landscape, the development time/cost requires a priced box imo.
And dont forget