lmao is that real? amazing :D
lmao is that real? amazing :D
So weird to see Spawn charcters in marvel comics ...
I think thats preferable over the moral outrage comments, i take it as a good sign for the future ^^
Guild Wars 2 is all grind aswell, but they manage to mask some of it to be fun and addicting :)
I think it depends on the game, currently playing guild wars for 2 years without any meaningful long term interaction with anybody really. Its just me and the grind, i do have a guild but the game demands so little teamwork that it doesnt really encourage interaction.
People who logged in but didn't have others to talk to never lasted over the years.
This is the worst satire of a gamergater ive ever seen :(
Dont take it serious then just take it for what it is, an enjoyable 3min of amazing stunts in GTA V.
Dont do it.
"And, really? It's ludicrous—and rightfully argued about—that any piece of media in this day and age focuses on ONE type of people in ONE type of setting when...nothing...in the actual world...works that way?"
It's a very common theme in stories in general, harry potter comes to mind.
-(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ
I dont believe i have, dont be so salty dude :)
I love it when someone caters to their audience, i dont watch pewdiepie either but its amazing that the can do what he does without needing anyones permission (except youtubes guidelines for now)
Thats what i love about new media, no fucking pc-bullshit censoring :) You can neg him all you want for making rape jokes but he still has 30 mil subscribers :D
This couldnt have been more awkward for me since i didnt speak to solas hardly once in my playthrough ^^
Thats a wish that wont get realized, tagging goes back to the beginning of civilization, it was really popular in the Roman empire and even the Vikings were serial taggers :P
Its the same with Origin "achievements" on PC, minor annoyance so i never got around to see if you can turn that shit off. But now im done with Dragon Age and will probably not have to bothe rwith Origin for a long time :)
Use ZenMate addon for google chrome, or similar :) It's annoying but it works