
Yeah you are right, maybe not the main story but i do enjoy the lore and TES games do have intetesting side quests.

You wont be solving any problems with that attitude but i wish you a good day regardless my friend :)

Well my initial point had something to do with not getting into an echo-chamber and then basically just a reminder to myself, anyway i think thats it o/

Im just saying dont expect everyone to be on your level in life, you can spend an eternity battling people online or realize you're not their online parent :)

You know how boring the comment section would be if everyone agreed with eachother? ^^ And you have to realize people of all ages are on the internet, that means alot of kids are giving you their vast knowledge about life, so dont take comments so seriously :)

I dont think Larry swings that way Rachel :(

I bet alot of people are imagining it tonight.

Thats like saying GTA perpetuates violence against hijacking victims, it gives no credibility to the story at all that they were sexworkers.

i dont even know how that would look since the criminal world is so male dominated, it would end up not a parody of the real world but a complete fictional one :/

But its not about the game though, theres hundreds playthoughs of the same game out there, people watch for the personality. They're fans of the commentator and would watch any game he/she plays.

They arent watching for the gameplay, theres different kinds of minecraft videos and alot of it is roleplaying stuff where the youtubers play a user created adventure map and story.

It's so true though about Hollywood putting black men in dresses, comes from Dave Chappelle frist i believe.

With both Aion and Tera Online being big flops in the west and no word on Blade & Soul localization for 2 years i think you're right unfortunatly.

Thats the worst things about these localized korean games, you will always be a second class customer.

No modding in DA: I from what ive read, atleast there wont be at the level of elder scrolls becasue of limitations in their engine or something.

Good thing that option exist in 99% of modern mmos/rpgs, DA: I included :)

Thats the first thing you turn off :)

Even games like TERA that are a few years old are suffering performance issues in the west. Probably one of the reasons we havnt seen Blade & Soul localized yet either.

Bethesda crushes these pretty games when its comes to story and world building though, and tbh i much prefere the combat as poor as it is to these firecracker style korean games.

Naw you see its really active for a couple of days every 2 weeks when a patch arrives :) Kidding aside i dont think its dead except if you're playing WvW mainly on a lower tier server, and even then primetime is usually fairly active.