You and me both, but I hear good things about psychedelics, ayahuasca in particular :D
You and me both, but I hear good things about psychedelics, ayahuasca in particular :D
meh its not even booty-worthy, its miley cyrus not nicki minaj ^^
Unleash the fury.
Personally i just care if the game is good, if i can enjoy something as silly as South Park: The stick of truth then i can enjouy anything ^^
For the most part i only play mmo's so femlae heroes for everyone! (unless its some shitty korean gender locked game - which i dont play so yeah!)
Equality cant ignore supply and demand though :) Im willing to bet there is not a huge market for it but i sure hope someone tries!
Thanks for further diluting the word misogyny, your work is appriciated sjw !
This is hilarious, a little while ago people where shunning the "gamer" tag (gamers are dead!) and now they're fighting tooth and nail to keep another narrow classification. Hello selfawareness.
You could be me, just saying :)
Try Divinity: Original Sin if you havnt, best rpg in forever.
Just watched the Culture High documentary and theres a video of swat raiding a family home knocking the door and in shooting their dogs infront of 2 small children. I think they found an ounce of weed or something, sickening to watch.
That was hilarious, faith in humanity restored! until next time
try Guild Wars 2, thats pretty close to 50/50 by my personal experience :)
If you like them or not is kinda subjective, but like i said the few updates with actual gameplay are few and far between. Most of their content just falls flat because its so badly designed or implemented (temporary, not satisfying or fun etc.). But i agree with that it's really gone down hill this last year.
If you didnt like it at release you wont like it now, their only major updates are episode based story-mission (they were supposed to be bi-weekly but its more like a a handful of updates a year that each take a couple hours to play through), quality of life improvements and gamestore items. The few good gameplay…
So true, the funniest thing i saw all week was Paul Stanley ranting against priacy on the JRE podcast. He actually said that the consumer shouldnt be allowed to dictate how much the bands got paid xD
Always remember that anyone arguing online is a loser trying to distract him or herself from their terrible lives :p Ive been guilty of it plenty of times but im glad i stayed out of this gamergate stuff apart from reading about it.
Thanks, great post!
How many people do you think are threatening and harassing vs. people just critizising her work? Your outrage at "the rest of us" is silly.
Countertroll the burner-account, thats cute :)