
You're the one calling someone a douchebag here not me so i wouldnt be so quick to take the high-ground ^^ Keep frothing at the mouth buddy :D

I think you're acting like a scorned lover, did he criticize your favorite game? ;(

I think you're missing the point, if you want "serious" reviews there are plenty of those elsewhere. It's not all about his shtick though as he does give his honest impressions.

He might be angry but he aint no douchebag :)

lol gipsy chun-li, aw rasism u funny

Yeah none of their games are any fun at all /sarcasm

I dont agree with Feminism having the last say on how equality should be achieved. I also dont believe people should be forced into anything, but reality is people conform to gender roles because of their insecurities. I dont think the right to achieve equality (whcih should be the main goal right?) is to push peoples

Thanks i might check it out, i really enjoyed the game and the community but quit a few months before it went F2P.

Might aswell end our discussion here if you're gonna hit me with wall of text. And to stop you right here i said community not industry. And as i said in the original message you responded to "it divides people into us and them". The militant social justice warriors and the people who just want to enjoy what they


No you're right it has none of those things in common, but on a social level its effects are compairable, just look at what its done to the gaming community. You might think its worth it and thats fine but im not gonna agree with you.

Maybe per your definition but thats the kind of feminism i could get onboard with, hell crap the word feminism and gender and just call it equality.

I guess because its used as a way to discredit her, and from what i gather about libertarianism its not really conservative.

It's as harmful as rasism, it divides society into us and them, instead we should accept eachother for our differances. Im all for equality under the law but i cant get onboard with what feminism represents today.

"Gamers" arent threatening her, i dont see why gamers should bear the burden of association with the very tiny minority that threaten violence on people. Most people that critizise and disagree with her does so in a calm and reasoned manner.

No problem, im here to help you :) lolz

Shes the good kind of feminist, the one concerned with equality instead of the breaking down of gender roles.

Shes not a conservative feminist, shes a first wave equity feminist. And shes a democrat

Be careful ive read alot of SJWs arguing that being neutral is not acceptable, hilarious xD